Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,515 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. what i had to do was build wall around the city and copy it that way... i dont have too much experience w the plugin but it helped me
  2. So if you build a wall, do you copy the wall and then it copies the whole thing inside?
  3. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  4. Any way to move a building slightly?
  5. Pasting puts most of it in the ground? fix for that?
    nevermind, maybe i should read properly before posting :p
  6. Hi

    Since last patch. As soon as I try to copy something, the server crashes
  7. You have broke something, not having any issues here
  8. Also, dont have problem.
  9. that is the log. Then tell me what I should have broken, please

    CopyPaste.cs(212,65): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Quaternion.ToEulerAngles()' is obsolete: `Use Quaternion.eulerAngles instead. This function was deprecated because it uses radians instead of degrees'
    CopyPaste.cs(212,138): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Quaternion.ToEulerAngles()' is obsolete: `Use Quaternion.eulerAngles instead. This function was deprecated because it uses radians instead of degrees'
    CopyPaste.cs(227,95): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Quaternion.ToEulerAngles()' is obsolete: `Use Quaternion.eulerAngles instead. This function was deprecated because it uses radians instead of degrees'
    CopyPaste.cs(371,112): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Quaternion.ToEulerAngles()' is obsolete: `Use Quaternion.eulerAngles instead. This function was deprecated because it uses radians instead of degrees'
    CopyPaste.cs(901,25): warning CS0168: The variable `ex' is declared but never used
    CopyPaste.cs(918,40): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Quaternion.EulerRotation(UnityEngine.Vector3)' is obsolete: `Use Quaternion.Euler instead. This function was deprecated because it uses radians instead of degrees'
    CopyPaste.cs(932,37): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Quaternion.EulerRotation(UnityEngine.Vector3)' is obsolete: `Use Quaternion.Euler instead. This function was deprecated because it uses radians instead of degrees'
  10. mhh ok. Old files of stored buildings deleted. And plugin and server are running error-free again :) *Happy*
  11. The plugin works properly, but warnings indicate that the specified function when something stops working ;)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1520539999][/DOUBLEPOST]I don't want plugin to break down your save files, so in thought.
  12. I was hoping to allow placed sedans in Fortify to be exported and pasted in Rust. The prefab "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedan_a_white.prefab" comes up as not found. Any way around this?
  13. It seems you are not using the correct name for the prefab. I'll help on Monday.
  14. It seems that any prefab that isn't a deployable or building part cannot be found. I'm also interested in including other things like the recycler.
  15. Please include the copy of blueprints.
    I have an internal server store. I sell the initial drawings for scrap metal. Do not save drawings in vending machines. + after insertion in the machine objects are displayed instead of their drawings
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2018
  16. seems turrets recyclers and few other things nolonger paste with even if copied seems bit strange...not even placed in fortify works with it
  17. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  18. version 3.5.9 not working...

    Exception while starting compiler v1.0.0.94: (ArgumentException: Key duplication when adding: PUBLIC)
    at System.Collections.Hashtable.PutImpl (System.Object key, System.Object value, Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Collections.Hashtable.Add (System.Object key, System.Object value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Collections.Specialized.ProcessStringDictionary.Add (System.String key, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.get_EnvironmentVariables () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.PluginCompiler.CheckCompiler () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  19. Take a screenshot of the building that you are trying to copy