Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,412 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. ok, thank you looked for
  2. Hi Reneb,

    When i use the plugin, it recreates the building i want:) but generates it in stone and doesn't include the large Storage boxes i have inside. Am i doing something wrong?:confused:
  3. no you aren't, i think storage boxes are broken since the 2 updates. not much i can do for the moment.
  4. I do not recommend this plugin on using placeback. the rotation is incorrect and if you want to spend your lifetime trying to find it then good fucking LUCK!
  5. Reneb updated Copy-Paste with a new update entry:

    update by Nogrod

  6. /placeback good?
  7. for some reason when I try to use the Copy Past plug in it locks my server up. The last version and this version both do it. Server freezes and I cant place or interact with anything I have to manually reboot the server to get things working again.

    Pleas Help!!!
  8. You probably just have to wait à while for it to save/paste
  9. I need help please i can Copy and i can Paste but when i paste it is half way into the ground How do i adjust the building so it is actually at ground level Please
  10. /paste "Building" heightadjustment
  11. Ok for the people out there who couldnt read this like me

    this is the Format to raise a building you type it like this

    The name of the building is called andy ...

    so i type this to raise it

    /paste andy 3

    3 is the amount you want it raised .... Gawd this is sooo good
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2015
  12. copy paste not working
    keeps saying the structure I am trying to copy is not a building
  13. is this plugin no longer for rust legacy? because I accidentally removed my arena and i need to put it back. can't find the plugin in my cp either. clanforge hosted with multiplay.
  14. The legacy plugin can be found here:
  15. Thanks fro that, Mughisi, I found it in the end. I was in a bit of a rush to find the correct plugin and didn't look properly, haha.
  16. Any chanvce we can get this updated to work in new Version as its one of the Best plugins
  17. what is not working with new version? i still can copy/paste
  18. ill have to check tonight but last update it was not allowing structures to be built. the piece would just fall off , then i removed it and it all worked again .. Please bear in mind that was and update and a half a go .

    You say it is now working .. i will re add to server and check when i get home tonight ..