Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,412 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. Height adjustment is to paste à building à little heigher or lower from what it should have been. Try it out you Will quickly see what it does.
    As for the paste couple times, never talked about it :p. Probably thinking about the build where you could build multiple walls in one wall (that's fixed as i make à Check now).
    As for the list, it Will not show until you do /copy again.
  2. Am I doing this right

    /paste hut:50


    /paste hut : 50

    Says blueprint cant be found, slap me now please cant be this hard.

    Or without the : still nothing.
  3. /paste hut 50
    50= +50meters in the air ^^ that's à little too High ^^ unless you want to make it float in the air.
    Your data file is named: copypaste-hut.json right?
  4. OMG I just saw what happened yes low numbers.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1415898240,1415808745][/DOUBLEPOST]Is it possible to copy a rad zone and repaste that rad zone?
  5. Hmmm it's possible to create à rad zone ^^ not sûre we can delete it though
  6. How to create rad zone?
  7. can't atm :p
    well i mean we didn't code it yet :p
  8. This plugin is awesome, however I did find a small bug and not sure if it was noted. If you save a building with a number in it, i.e. house1, it gives errors and does not save so I call my buildings smallhousel, medhouse, largehouse, lol. Thanks for the awesome plugin.
  9. What error does it give?
  10. for people that are interested (or not)
    i'm still working on the website.
    little problem with design, but i don't really care at this point :p
    but i don't have time at all to make it.
    but it's under construction :p
    i'll keep you posted :)

    Was wondering what kind of categories should i put?
    atm i put:
    - Castles
    - Monuments
    - Housing
    any other ideas for categories?

    also i'm looking for a dark background of rust (probably during the night, and maybe with housings behind?).
    anybody got that in there screenshots :p?
  11. Reneb updated Copy-Paste with a new update entry:

    fix for new update

  12. would it be possible to use a save from legacy and paste it in rust default???
  13. for people that are interested i'm currently testing the website for prefabs.
    it's not 100% completed but everything should work.
    and any feedback would be very much appreciated :p
    [DOUBLEPOST=1416913710][/DOUBLEPOST]note that it will probably not work well for internet Explorer,
  14. Great mod! I do have a question :) I have 2 servers running the exact same settings/seed/world size - It it possible to copy and paste to another server if you move the data file and building owners data? Sound a tad mad but I've got to ask. Thanks for reading.
  15. Yes as long as you use the same server identity, world size and world seed
  16. thanks I see where the problem is then :) Had a small problem, when I paste the walls the doors are currupt, so I make a copy amd remove all the doors so I could enter new doors but they won't open or shut. Only the whole should pasted in wood and won't show you it upgrading. using the /placeback name command put the house in the wrong place (close) and the over way around. Keeping in mind I am moving a large place.
  17. I have the problem again that the Copy the of the buildings are only partially.Copy-paste and building-owners are up to date!
  18. You sûre they are partial? You sûre it's not the stability shit that fucks everything up?
  19. at the Picture you see the original is stable.
  20. that's not what i ment :p

    what i want to know is:
    1) when you paste the structure, does the ENTIRE structure gets pasted THEN some on it falls off?
    2) do you get an error message?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1417613850][/DOUBLEPOST]ok i did some tests, seems like it's just the structure stability that makes it fall off (we don't see stuff fall off on this version, but it does)
    so ... nothing that can be done except to make it more stable maybe ... and if not well ... need to wait for a way to remove the stability check.