Chopper Survival

Helicopter survival event for EventManager

Total Downloads: 2,510 - First Release: Jan 1, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 10 likes
  1. Probably, try it out , if not I can add damage modifiers to this
  2. i tried it already now out.
    its kinda messing with eachother.... and/or stacking itself up... heli seems kinda rly hard., much life.
    + he dont shoot rockets. Option for that would be cool. such these options you would otherwise set in helicontrol.
    should then not messing with eachother. also it would be cool when u can add a option to Scale or just Set, the stats for each round.,
    its kinda confusing me with these multipliers etc
  3. changes work now. but still no Rockets
  4. Hi,

    new Rust patch seemed to have broken the plugin; after 1 wave there are no more waves coming. However, no error messages in the log, only this one after ending the event:

    10:22 PM [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnEventEndPre' on plugin 'ChopperSurvival v0.1.1' (NullReferenceException: )
    10:22 PM [Debug]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:get_transform ()
      at Oxide.Plugins.ChopperSurvival.killHeli () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.ChopperSurvival.OnEventEndPre () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.ChopperSurvival.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hookname, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2016
  5. Love this plugin but no rockets...
  6. Yes, absolutely. Unfortunately no update since ...
  7. For me the heli seems to be invicible.. it glitches when spinning out and comes back doesnt die...
  8. k1lly0u updated Chopper Survival with a new update entry:


  9. :/ still no rockets
  10. did you enable it in the config?
  11. yes this is my config I am using for testing (and tweaking) I've tried both "Helicopter - Use rockets": true and false to see if it would work and they don't shoot rockets at all...

     "Debug - Print heli stats on spawn (for balancing)": true,
      "Helicopter - Base Stats - Health": 1500.0,
      "Helicopter - Base Stats- Accuracy": 6.0,
      "Helicopter - Base Stats- Bullet damage": 3.0,
      "Helicopter - Base Stats- Main rotor health": 320.0,
      "Helicopter - Base Stats- Speed": 24.0,
      "Helicopter - Base Stats- Tail rotor health": 180.0,
      "Helicopter - Stat modifier": 2.15,
      "Helicopter - Use rockets": true,
      "Kit - Default kit": "cskit9669",
      "Player - Death limit": 10,
      "Player - FriendlyFire ratio": 0.0,
      "Player - Starting Health": 100.0,
      "Scoring - Body hit points": 1,
      "Scoring - Rotor hit points": 3,
      "Scoring - Round survival tokens": 1,
      "Scoring - Winner tokens": 10,
      "Spawning - Maximum Helicopters": 6,
      "Spawning - Maximum waves": 6,
      "Spawning - Spawn distance (away from arena)": 200.0,
      "Spawning - Wave timer (between rounds)": 45.0,
      "Spawns - Default spawnfile": "csspawns",
      "Zone - Zone name": "arena"
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460326680][/DOUBLEPOST]also for the kits do I set the npconly to TRUE? like below? (so no one can get the kit manually)?

    /kit cskit9669 authlevel 0 cooldown 0 max 10 items npconly TRUE hide TRUE
  12. I usually set auth to auth 2, not sure if it works with npconly
    If rockets arent firing when it's activated then it's probably the helicopters aren't getting a chance to do it and I may have to make them do it manually. All the option does is despawn rockets when they spawn so I will need to look further into it
  13. So is there a way for players to see there own death limits instead on everyone's elses?
    wait how do you make them shoot manually?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460434888][/DOUBLEPOST]Also just had an event but time ran out.. It warped all players back but left the score board on the screen, all players had to re log , also Is there a way to make it so the players can see there death limit? As of right now the Admin are having to type them in game.. and Love the plugin my minions love it too
  14. I'll have to write some code to make them do it. They used to just do it themselves and it would cause a lot of lag when there was 5-6 of them shooting rockets. What do you mean the time ran out? Have you got it on auto events or something? I will show the death count for each player, it may or may not be before I finish the event manager update as I was planning on adding a inbuilt ui that the events can use and all the current ui in my events will be replaced. Also thanks for donation ;)
  15. when there is a time with the event manager it will end the game of helis but you have to manually do event.end
    to end the game and when everyone warps back the scoreboard remains on the screen...

    also the game will players to rejoin even if it is set in the event manager to false for rejoin players
  16. The same situation, please fix it!
  17. Hi,

    the setup works for me, like described. Spawn's work in first entry into the arena.
    but after reaspawn after death, you can see yourself sleeping on the spawn-point, but after activating, it kicks the player to the outer-zone area.

    The Arena is built on water, tested hihger or lower positions, on ice without ice, i get all time the same:

    Game starts, all is fine.
    Player dies, and respawns on point.
    Awake will kick out of the Zone, and Player lands many meters unter the Zone, beside it drowning in the water...
    I tried with only the needed Plugins to find any disruption by other PLugins, but no Luck...
  18. I had the same issue I had to make the nosleepers to false in the zone manager
  19. Thx for reply.

    I did tried it initially wtih the settings described in EventManager:
    /zone eject true undestr true autolights true nobuild true nodeploy true nokits true notp true killsleepers true nosuicide true nocorpse true nowounded true
    This flag isnt set there. Tried with NO flags, and more of the others, to play around this. Always the same result.
    Any other Game, like GunGame, tested and works with the same spawnfile in a test-zone.
    Only "ChopperSurvival" itself causes this behaviour.

    UPDATE: After launched another Game, like GunGame, going into Arena, ended the game, and then switched over to ChopperSurvival, the respawn now works as intended?! Driving me really crazy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2016
  20. Yes I noticed this the other day, its on my to-do list
    Set eject to false