

Total Downloads: 5,131 - First Release: Jan 17, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 3, 2018

5/5, 13 likes
  1. This plugin wouldn't really work in that scenario, however Ill add the feature to the plugin I'm writing for you to set money before rounds. If you ever decide to turn it into a proper full server mod hit me up, I will do it for a decent price, I already have most of the code to do so in my slasher full server mod ;)
  2. What's a "decent price" ;)
  3. I wanted players to be able to put these bounties on other players, I seem to be missing a step here, A little help please?

  4. That's exactly what this does, instructions in the overview, make sure you grant the permissions
  5. I see the "bounty.use - Player bounty usage" but when I enter this into the console or RCON

    Am I supposed to enter something else besides "bounty.use" ?

    Im not a programmer, but I am learning
  6. Oxide has a permission system where you can grant players or groups permission to use plugins and plugin features. For example bounty has 2 permissions, bounty.use (for players) and bounty.admin (for admin). Each plugin will have different permissions for their own various functions/use's.
    Now say you wanted to only give 1 specific player permission to use this you would type in console 'grant user USERNAME bounty.use'. This plugin however is made for the whole population to use so you want to grant the permission to the whole group of players. You can do that by typing 'grant group player bounty.use' (player is the group name for all players, they are automatically added to that group when they join). You can make you own groups and add players to it and grant that group permissions, a example of why you would do that is if say you had donator's and you wanted them to have access to things other players didn't you could create a VIP group.

    The whole lot is quite simple to use, here is a link to information regarding permissions and groups
    Using Oxide's permission system | Oxide
  7. grant group player bounty.use is what I needed to add the whole server, ok, thank you for the explanation

    I had not thought about getting donations, I kind of look at the server as a sandbox to play my favorite game with :p
  8. i get permission bounty.use does not exist. likewise /bounty, how do i resolve this?

    grant group player bounty.use gave the bounty.use does not exist
  9. You sure the plugin is loaded?
  10. SNG


    When ever you use the /Bounty add it opens and instantly closes the inventory. Not sure why its instantly closing the inventory.
  11. It does that sometimes, haven't had a chance to work out why, if it does it just move your character over a bit and it will work
  12. SNG


    been trying it at different places, every where i try it does that.
  13. I'm having an issue placing bounties, I type /bounty add <playername> and the inventory window opens and immediately closes. Any idea's why that would occur?
  14. SNG


    The issue seem to be with Mac's. With my PC i'm able to set the bounty.
  15. If I get some time tonight I will take a look and see if I can work it out
  16. Any luck in fixing this bug? Looks like an awesome plugin but I have the same problem, inventory just closes.
  17. Same problem here.

    Also I want to suggest that it would be nice if there were an extra permission for "add bounty". So that only a special group of persons can set a bounty but everyone can see and claim it.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1454776650][/DOUBLEPOST]@k1lly0u I managed to make it work.
    I deleted the if empty part, because at the moment i was just interested in the "Bounty added" PopUp.
    After that i translated some sentences into German. I can send you the file if you want.
    But all in all I guess it's not a big problem you have to fix there (because i almost made it and i am absolutely shitty in programming xD)

    But next to my permission question I have another one:
    Can you tell me where the popup text is stored?
    I want to translate it a bit, but anyway i can't find the source :(
  18. any way to make it show what the bounty is in the popup notification
  19. Server/servername/oxide/Lang/bounty_en.json
    All strings are in there for translation

    Could do but if they add multiple things it will be too big for popup notifications

    I'm working on a full Gui for this, it will have a leader board with various statistics and you will be able to place bountys through it by selecting the players name from a list to do away with the current system that is partially broken
    How long till it's finished is anyone's guess, I haven't had alot of time lately so I have been doing bits here and there.
  20. same problem, inventory open and close fast