

Total Downloads: 5,131 - First Release: Jan 17, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 3, 2018

5/5, 13 likes
  1. Seems to be broken since the update today


    nvm, this solved my problem

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2018
  2. Is there a way to fix the bounty? Because everytime I kill anything it says i'm banned from creating or claiming a bounty or something like that.
  3. I can't seem to place a bounty with Economics money, If I don't type the command right I get a error message in chat telling how to place hte bounty, thats fine, but when I do it right, e.g. /bounty add ricky money 200 , nothing happens, no bounty is created.

    am I missing something?
  4. k1lly0u updated Bounty with a new update entry:


  5. Hey! Just installed the mod on my server. Love the idea man it looks great! I did however come across the following error after typing in chat /bounty add rp playername 200 . I do have the permissions set for bounty.use as default so all players can use it. Below is the error. I have to test to see if you get the bounty yet as when I do /bounty top it does show the player I placed the bounty on.


    Update: So upon looking into it even further it appears that the bounty is not on him but shows in the top list. When I also do /bounty view it displays nothing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2018
  6. Hi i appreciate your work very much

    I have a question
    you can create a plugin that starts different events

    12:00 noon -13: 00 pm Double Loot from Barrels
    13:00 - 14:00 double at Stones farms
    2:00 pm 3:00 pm No Radiation
    is that possible?
    I would be glad about an answer also privately if it is possible
    I also help where I can
  7. Seems to show RP reward even if rp is completely disabled.
  8. k1lly0u updated Bounty with a new update entry:


  9. Hi anybody know how to get this to show in popup notifications ive changed it to true in the config but nothing happens ? cheers in advance for any help
    "Notification Options": {
    "PopupNotifications - Broadcast using PopupNotifications": true ,
    "PopupNotifications - Duration of notification": 8.0,
    "Broadcast new bounties globally": true,
    "Reminders - Remind targets they have a bounty on them": true,
    "Reminders - Amount of time between reminders (in minutes)": 30
  10. it doesnt globally broadcast and /bounty wanted is a big long invisible message