

Total Downloads: 11,684 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. u need use " example

    "Kit": ["KitName"]

    if u use more kits then for example

    "Kit": ["KitName1", "KitName2", "KitName3", "KitName4"]
  2. Hello... I was wondering if anyone can help me? I have BotSpawn (latest version) My bots that set up as Murderers with the name
    "BotNames": ["ZOMBIE"],
    When I (oxide.reload BotSpawn) they are good, but after a while they stop attacking. they run up to you but just stand next to you. I have No kits for them as well. Can someone tell me whats going on? Thank you
  3. is there anyway to put real NPC (not scientist or murders) but actual NPC's that look like players. i have seen in the BUILD Plugin that you can spawn the real NPC looking players but i dont know if it can be applied to this plugin.
  4. when i try to load this plugin i am getting lots of red. after i changed some stuff in the config. from false to true.

  5. You can use Kits to make them look however you like.

    Those errors are the result of mistakes in your config, or data file.
    Start from scratch and make sure you use the correct syntax and case.
    The murderers aren't smart so if you're flying/hovering, standing on an entity like a box or barrel, or even just on terrain that they can't map a path to, they'll stand there looking at you.
    Could that be what's happening?
    Also rule out peacekeeper by disabling it or making sure you're always holding a projectile weapon.

    If it's none of those things, please let me know. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2018
  6. @Steenamaroo as far as the kit goes. i already use it and have created one for my players.. so do i just make another kit but make it hidden. with whatever i want the bots to spawn with. and i remember reading about how you said they dont need extra ammo? so i put the weapon in the toolbelt how about the clothes. do i also put that in the toolbelt or should i wear the clothes then save the kit.
  7. Yeah, just make a kit that you'd like your bot to have, save it, make it hidden to your players if you like, then assign it to the bot in config/data.

    Weapons go in hotbar belt, attire goes in attire bar, and the main container can be used for any extra items you'd like, as loot items for your players.
  8. @Steenamaroo i made kits but when i add "Kit": ["kit1","kit2","kit3"], to the config the plugin spits out red errors. found the error i needed a space between the kits.
  9. Here is a config of
    "Airfield": {
    "AutoSpawn": true,
    "Murderer": true,
    "Bots": 10,
    "BotHealth": 150,
    "Radius": 100,
    "Kit": [],
    "BotNamePrefix": "",
    "BotNames": [
    "Bot_Accuracy": 4,
    "Bot_Damage": 0.4,
    "Disable_Radio": true,
    "Roam_Range": 40,
    "Peace_Keeper": false,
    "Peace_Keeper_Cool_Down": 5,
    "Weapon_Drop": false,
    "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
    "Wipe_Belt": true,
    "Wipe_Clothing": true,
    "Allow_Rust_Loot": true,
    "Suicide_Timer": 300,
    "Chute": false,
    "Respawn_Timer": 60,
    "Sci_Aggro_Range": 30,
    "Sci_DeAggro_Range": 40

    I can walk a long road without flying or anything and some attack and some dont...
  10. upload_2018-7-23_1-49-0.png upload_2018-7-23_1-49-11.png

    why does the headlamp only turn on after they are dead? and not while they are alive?
  11. No idea. :p
    I don't do anything with/to head lamps.
  12. anyway to have them turned on.. like how the scientist walks around at night with flashlights.
  13. Will be in the next V. :)
  14. bots seem to attack my players but when i walk around them they are in peacekeeper mode. idk why
  15. i dont know why but i have the config set to peacekeeper mode but yet the bots still fire at anyone.. are the players not allowed to have any weapons in there toolbelt for it to work properly?
  16. Have you read the overview, rp4k? Peacekeeper is described in there.
  17. i read but they also attack if you have the sword or the hatchet or pickaxe in your belt.
  18. They aren't aware of what's in your belt, but they do react to what's in your hand.
    I'd suggest testing with a cooldown timer of 0 to make it quicker/easier to see the result.
  19. i had a water jug in my hand. and a gun in my belt and they attacked me.. i tried it several times. but then when i put the gun in the inventory they stopped and walked away , my cooldown is set to 5 secs.
  20. As I say, they only check the item that's in your hand.
    They don't know what's in your belt.

    I'd set cooldown to zero and confirm.