

Total Downloads: 11,685 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. bots are now just standing still and not attacking
  2. Are you using parachutes? I noticed a few of my zombies floating just a couple inches off the floor not moving, but if you walk up to them, they will still swing at you.
  3. No, I'm not using parachutes.... They'll stand, face me in every direction and attack if I get close. However, won't run at all
  4. Need to establish circumstances.
    Did they ever move? If so, when did it stop? Is the issue specific to a particular version of BotSpawn?
    Is oxide/rust/botspawn up to date?
    Does it happen at all monuments, or just one? Is it a custom location?

    Any info = good info. :)
  5. Happens throughout the map, latest version of botspawn and oxide as of this post. Sometimes they don't even chase you until you're within 15 meters, but they will stare at you, but once you sprint away for a few seconds, you're already out of range and they'll stop chasing. I see if I can get a video of this. I really miss the days when zombies would chase you the second they're out of dormancy.

    Also having a problem with zombies and scientists getting under this building floor at the airfield. ajaisjr.JPG

    After watching underground for a couple minutes, I've noticed them spawn under the floor. I would revert back to chutes, but I don't want zombies to land on the roofs and not be able to chase anyone. Plus the parachutes drift way too far and I can't get wind to stay off.

    I've also watched bots run from the runway through the steps to that building, but not to the underground part in the second photo. Just through the stairs like it's not even there and back out.
  6. Any of the terrain stuff there is just specific to the airfield and how it's made up, unfortunately.
    The dormancy thing, though, I don't know. I didn't experience that at all in testing.
    Can you try them with no kits to rule out any items/weapons/skins?

    Fair call on the chute drift. I've been meaning to minimise that a bit.
    It's nothing to do with Rust weather at all. I just put in a random drift so that multiples coming down in the same place didn't look 100% uniform.
  7. Don't worry about them landing in the same place, because there's so many zombies that land no one will notice, and once they start moving it doesn't matter if they land in the same place anyways. I actually need them to land in the same place to avoid roof tops, and so my scientists can land on top of the dome to guard the loot, etc.

    The best zombie behavior was when they start targeting players before players can even see them, because this really gave them the element of surprise and it was very exciting to my players. They use to react to sight and sound (gun fire) from very far away or at least that's how it felt like.
  8. Both are at airfield and satellite, the only places I have them spawn.
    oxide: 3998
    BotSpawn: 1.7.3

    I'm using newest ZombieHorde with it. Creating elite zombies with your plugin along side ZombieHorde.

    Heres video:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2018
  9. Update, fixed itself after rust update.

    Steen, is it possible to make zombies clip or shoot people ontop of platforms and boxes?

    I noticed a bug if someone stands on a box in airfield... The zombies will walk up to it and not try to shoot the person.
  10. @Hellseek : Did they ever move for you? If so, when did it stop? Is the issue specific to a particular version of BotSpawn?
    Do you still have problems if you spawn without kit?

    @TheBeau : Yeah, the Murderer's kind of suck in that respect. :p
    I'll take a look at it.
  11. Did some testing and found that BotSpawn murderers will attack fine when they have no kit, possibly something about giving them alternative weapons via kits that's made them act weird? We used to have the same problem with HumanNPC where they would run at you then run away without attacking if you gave them an incompatible weapon like a hatchet, because it was a tool basically. Although we're getting this issue on anything we give em, swords etc.

    Tried switching em over to scientists and they just run backwards because they cant use melee, so basically our tier 0 zombies all suck at the mo :(
  12. From faq -
    Some weapon skins have been known to cause issues and errors.
    Please try plain weapons if you're having problems.

    I'd try the same with clothes, to rule them out.
  13. How do I set bots up to only drop "default Rust loot" but not the Kits? I need the kits to have bots shoot at people (or don't I need any kits for that?) but I don't want them to be able to grab the bullets from them..

    I have a "botkit" with gear, ammo and guns. The gear and guns are properly wiped (with the special option) but bullets (in the inventory) will still be there.
  14. Bots don't need a supply of ammo, so leave the main container in the kit completely empty.

    Wipe_Belt - true
    Wipe_Clothing - true
    Weapon_Drop - false
    Allow_Rust_Loot - true

    ^^ Your players will get nothing but Rust random loot.
  15. Good thing! Thanks
  16. @Corrosive - My kitted murderers are working just fine so I guess there's some specific item or skin causing a problem.
    If you can track it down, let me know and I'll see about fixing, or blocking, it.
  17. @Steenamaroo, I think you should look more closely at your CalculateGroundPos function. We are seeing bots spawn in rocks around dome and under the airfield buildings as well. I do not believe it is due to "how it's made up". I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish with the function rewrite.

    The following code is what I use in my plugins to find the Y coordinate for spawning. Ironically based on your own previous version of this function. It's fairly reliable. Not sure why you changed it.

    // Set Y at ground level avoiding buildings
                    LocationY = 500;
                    Vector3 sourcePos = new Vector3(LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ);
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (UnityEngine.Physics.Raycast(sourcePos, Vector3.down, out hitInfo, 1000f, LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "World", "Water", "Construction"), QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                        sourcePos.y = hitInfo.point.y;
                    sourcePos.y = Mathf.Max(sourcePos.y, TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(sourcePos));
                    LocationY = sourcePos.y;
    I modified the code and added only one line to check against the heightmap. Full testing still needed but it looks good so far.
    public static Vector3 CalculateGroundPos(Vector3 sourcePos, bool Biome)
                RaycastHit hitInfo;
                var cast = Physics.Raycast(sourcePos, Vector3.down, out hitInfo, 1000f, LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "Water", "World"), QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);            if (!"rock"))
                    cast = Physics.Raycast(sourcePos, Vector3.down, out hitInfo, 1000f, LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "Water"), QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);            if (hitInfo.collider.tag == "Main Terrain" ||"rock"))
                    sourcePos.y = hitInfo.point.y;
                    sourcePos.y = Mathf.Max(sourcePos.y, TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(sourcePos));
                    return sourcePos;
                return new Vector3();
    EDIT 2: Nevermind. It didn't work. I thought it did but we still have bots spawning in rocks and buildings just less often.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2018
  18. Not sure if this has already been reported or if it's a FP issue but murderers with guns (no skins) aren't shooting. When switched to Scientists they fall through monuments. See photo. Bots have kits that include skinned clothes but not skinned guns.

  19. I changed it to A: prevent bots spawning inside rocks and B: allow them to spawn inside buildings where possible.
    That should be how it's working right now.

    With regard to that specific area of the airfield, like I say I'd need to go back and check again, but I have a feeling there's navmesh on the ground in Wesley's picture and on the building above, but not the ground out the back.
    I'll find out if that's wrong, though.

    As far as I know, if there are still bots spawning inside rocks it will be because there's no navmesh on that rock.
    Finding what seems like a suitable Y point is one thing, but every bot is forced to nearby navmesh or destroyed.
  20. Is there a way to disable the forcing of the bots to the navmesh at all? so that we may be able to place a static bot on the Y axis to give the impression of it standing on a building as some kind of (albeit limited) sniper?.