

Total Downloads: 11,684 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. That can be done although it would be better if it was a separate by-command option, I think.
    I'll have a think about it.
  2. hello Steenamaroo i am getting this warning
    [Warning] Calling hook OnNpcPlayerTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: BotSpawn - True (Boolean), ZombieHorde (False (Boolean))
    is there something i can do to fix this if so what do i need to do and how to do it i have reported this to dev of ZombieHorde as well any and all help is appericated.
  3. The conflict is in chosen terminology/syntax only.
    Both plugins are trying to carry out the same task, which wouldn't ordinarily result in a warning, but ZombieHorde is using the return value 'false'.

    I was advised that we should all use true or null to avoid these warnings.
  4. Thank you Steenamaroo i will pass this on.
  5. If rocks have no navmesh on top maybe do a sphere cast and see if any rocks are nearby the final position and if true then pick a new spawn location? Just an idea.

    Also, with the missing construction layer mask they tend to end up inside monument models without player access.
  6. Until now I thought they all did. :(

    To be honest, there's always a catch.
    If you force them to spawn on top of buildings then quite often there'll be a destroy+console message about failed to find navmesh.
    If you force them to the nearest navmesh, you might find out that's in an inaccessible building.

    If you make sure they only ever spawn on open terrain with navmesh then a small radius at the dome becomes a big problem, for example.

    It takes a bit of user input; If some monument has lots of areas like you describe then a small spawn radius and wide roam radius would be better than the opposite. I.E They'd all hit the ground then roam the area.
    Alternatively parachutes might be better, because they'll kick themselves forwards a few times if they land on something that has no navmesh.

    If it's one in a hundred, with smart use, I'm not that worried,
    but if there's a real problem where half the bots are useless, I'll certainly take a look.

    I was hoping this release might have been a good compromise because, sure, they're not all going to be perfect, but at least console shouldn't be spamming navmesh errors at you.
  7. I understand. I probably do more than some. It's hard to make everyone happy. But I didn't have one problem with the old function.

    Further testing shows interesting behavior at the rocks near dome. If I spawn murderers manually on top or near it they snap to the top of the rock. I assume there is navmesh there. If I spawn them more on the side they slip through to the ground underneath and get trapped. So it would appear the navmesh does not entirely cover the rocks and in places runs under them. Strange. I wonder if there is a way to expose if there is a navmesh present or not and add that to your logic.

    We had 50 bots stuck under airfield building until I added that bit of code about the heightmap. They just kept building up since no one could kill them. Respawn was less than suicide timer. But now we only get a few. So I don't know if it helps but it seems to. It seems like a problem worth dealing with IMHO.

    Or we can wait until October when Facepunch will likely bring back their Halloween event and fix the problems for us ;-)
  8. Hey, fair enough man. It sounds like there's more of a problem at the airfield than there was before, so I'll take another look into it (and the rocks too).
    Thanks for the info and suggestions. :)
  9. Just got fixed....

    Attached Files:

  10. Googling I see this has happened before, but have little time to google before I'm off my main PC so have to fix it fast.

    Failed to run a 2.00 timer in 'BotSpawn v1.7.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
      at Oxide.Plugins.BotSpawn.ChangeWeapon (NPCPlayer npcPlayer, HeldEntity held, System.UInt32 UID) [0x00034] in <f4ce6052c0bc46ffa7530792fdece43f>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.BotSpawn.SelectWeapon (NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer) [0x002c9] in <f4ce6052c0bc46ffa7530792fdece43f>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.BotSpawn+<sortWeapons>c__AnonStorey3.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <f4ce6052c0bc46ffa7530792fdece43f>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <a178d34943f746dd9b92eeffb8beec48>:0 
    Started happening after I finally got a chance to update safely.
  11. Damn, I thought I'd caught the issues there.
    Does it happen with, or without kit?
    If with kit, what's in the belt?

  12. With kits. So I changed something in one of the bot types inventory. That one has machete, crossbow and few arrows. Also gave them miners hat. Did that change in inventory, because I want them to be visible during the night with the flashlight. They used the handheld flashlight before, but problem was that they insisted on using it as the melee weapon instead of a machete. So thought to give them miners hat instead of the flashlight.
    That, by the way, is one problem I have had before - using a flashlight as the melee weapon. Can be exploited.

    1st type has machete, crossbow, few arrows
    2nd type has just a Bone Club on the belt
    3rd has a flashlight, Custom SMG, and some 9mm ammo.
  13. If those arrows and ammo are in the belt, take them out.
    The bot doesn't need/wont use them.

    If that's what's causing it I'll add another check and friendly console warning for it.
  14. Ok, will do that. Actually added the arrows more for players to loot, but I will most likely wipe belts on kills for all bots. Will give me more freedom on weapon choices for high tier bots.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1532005066][/DOUBLEPOST]Looks like taking the ammo out from the belt fixed it.
  15. Great stuff. I'll put in a check for that, as I said, so there's a friendly warning in the next V.

    Use the clothing bar for the bot's attire, belt for his weapons, and main container for player-available loot.
    If you want clothing+belt available as loot too,that's fine but, basically, items that the bot shouldn't use need to be in the main container.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2018
  16. Botspawn will be work on Hapis map ?
  17. what if i want scientists AND murderers at same monument?
  18. /botspawn add AdditionalProfileName ;)
  19. hey im getting this in the console when i try to load BotSpawn.cs "No previous version to rollback plugin: BotSpawn" any insight on how to fix this?
  20. whenever i try to type the kit name within the [] it fails to reload the pluging

    e.g [bandit]