

Total Downloads: 11,691 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. No probs. :)
  2. I foynd out that installing a mod to increase player corpse duration increases the bot corpse times as well. So uhhhh...try that.
  3. Hi. After the last server update, I think Facebunch did change some code, because my peacekeeper zombies are not moving and they do not attack. Also my animals stopped moving...

    EDIT: Sorry, my bad, I had nav_disable set to "true". All good now. Thanks for the plugin. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2018
  4. What does
    "Ignore_Animals": true/false
    "Ignore_HumanNPC": true/false

  5. They mean
    BotSpawn bots will/will not attack bears/wolves/boar
    BotSpawn bots will/will not attack 'players' from Human NPC - Core plugin
  6. This is an amazing plugin, however I'm having some struggles -_-. I have two issues;

    1) How would I add a kit to my bot(s)?

    2) Everytime I kill a bot, Me and my friends get kicked for "RPC Error in OnProjectileAttack"

    I've tried unloading every plugin on my server, and just running BotSpawn, however I still get kicked with "RPC Error in OnProjectileAttack". I have no idea what's going on, as it seems like it's not another plugin conflicting it ;(.
  7. Use zombies for now, the scientists are not working at the moment. This is throughout all of rust
    [DOUBLEPOST=1522700832][/DOUBLEPOST]Is the Warehouse monument the Mining Outposts?
  8. How do you toggle between them both?
  9. Change all murderer from false to true
    "Murderer": true,
  10. I have a problem with BotSpawn and the mod "Vanish". I get always this console message, when i'm in range and in vanish

    (09:37:35) | Calling hook OnNpcPlayerTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: BotSpawn - 0 (Single), Vanish (False (Boolean))
  11. That's not really a problem, as such.
    That just means BotSpawn is telling bots not to ignore you, but Vanish is telling bots the opposite, or vice verse.
    The warning is letting you know that two plugins are trying to carry out the same (or opposite) thing.

    Having said that, I didn't think that warning would show anymore with up to date versions.
    What version of BotSpawn are you running?
  12. An update is coming. Any news on a possible perma-fix for that kick problem we had?
  13. Anyone else's server extremely laggy ever since the new update? I even changed my bots to single digit amounts and it still lags the whole server
  14. tried disabling botspawn? Also the NPC fix...
  15. Yeah, when I unload botspawn the server goes back to normal
  16. Maybe the default scientists get spawned?
    I will check mine now. Will see.
    Seems smooth for me. 16 ms, 60 fps.
  17. I am currently dealing with the same problem. I had 200 zombies on map (15 per location running 200FPS on the server) now with 6 zombies per location I am at 50 FPS, 200FPS with the mod taken out completely.
  18. I had to resort back to halloween.murdererpopulation instead of botspawn, but botspawn works fine with scientists
  19. Thanks for the reports, fellas. I'll try to figure out what's causing it.

    Are you both on Oxide 2.0.3871 ?
  20. Hello, I am also in the same case as you. I put the server in Oxide for Rust Experimental. Since this morning and the server update, with this plugin, my server encounters a lot of backtracking. I disabled all plugins, and reset 1 to 1, and these botspawn involved.