

Total Downloads: 11,694 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. Sorry. For me setting them to murderers in config didn't work and it still kept spamming errors. Doing so in data worked though.
  2. You mean the plugin "betterloot" or something like that, not installed.
    Location notifier, don't know what this could be.
  3. Yeah, if you can't think of anything, do the above in sequence, please.

    At least that way we'll know if it's coming from another plugin.
    I should probably improve checks in BotSpawn so the error isn't thrown, but it'd be nicer to find out the source.
  4. The RPC issue is leaving BotSpawn with a record of a bot that no longer exists, then when unload/reload is called it's trying to destroy said bot, causing errors.

    Your changes to data/config/whatever else aren't related, unless you are experiencing a totally different problem.
  5. Im being a complete noob here but when people say that they have got it working via the data file can you give me exact steps. my botspawn.json in data is empty apart from "CustomProfiles": {}
  6. It's misinformation, to the best of my knowledge.

    However, the data file is where custom locations are stored, and custom locations are created by using the chat commands listed in the overview.
  7. What's the best way to disable scientists in the meantime?
  8. Just set murderer to true for all of your profiles.
  9. Sorry for the (maybe stubit) Question, but: Is ther any Solution to get the BotSpawn working? Or have we still to wait?
    Sorry for my bad english!
  10. I was just wondering if anybody else was getting spammed with same rcon message as i am . [BotSpawn] OnNpcTargetFired It spams it all day long
  11. Scientists seem to be dropping weapons even though its set to false.
  12. Are they as in belt or backback
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Sounds like you're using an old version of the plugin.
  14. Was.Updated fixed that problem now bots wont die. And i have all of them as murderers with kits. Its posting no errors though.
  15. All our zombies seem to be on peace_keeper mode even though our config is set to false. Anyone else have this problem? Or better yet a solution?
  16. The Zombies in my 500 pop Zombie server started acting all retarded, side stepping back and forth, hesitating to attack players whenever I use this plugin. I also have zombies OFF in the botspawn config, because I only want it to spawn scientists
  17. I found the problem here - Sending PM.
  18. Hey dude! I have a problem, when i kill a bot the server kick me with a error, RPC Error On Proyectile Arrack. How to fix?
    (5.56 ammo)

    RPC Error in OnProjectileAttack
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  19. Not sure, was reported by another player. Regardless both are set to wipe and to not drop a weapon
  20. Weapon drop is working.