

Total Downloads: 5,650 - First Release: Oct 6, 2017 - Last Update: Feb 19, 2018

5/5, 23 likes
  1. Please, please, please make a command for console, for the possibility of sell in GUIShop )))
    I will be very, very grateful.

    Sorry for my English
  2. Can u pm me ur new version @Vlad-00003 ?
  3. Is there command to remove everyones bp`s?
  4. Any chance of adding clansreborn support to allow blueprint share across clan?
  5. Add pls console commands, like "blueprint" unlock player
    Error while compiling: BlueprintManager.cs(286,36): error CS0122: `PlayerBlueprints.Reset()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
  6. same error here!
  7. Update Oxide to at least 2.0.3520
    >> Release build changes | Page 13 | Oxide
    It simply would need the usage of the public known hooks from ClansIO or the universal Clans. It's nothing specific from ClansREBORN :)
  8. @Kappasaurus Hey, great plugin! Can you add an option to LOCK a BP? Like after a wipe just lock C4 for all players or Rocket Launcher etc.

    Also another thing would be nice to WIPE ALL for ALL players option.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2017
  9. So is it possible?
  10. Command 'blueprint unlockall 76561198002162578' not found

    Why??? only in the console is
  11. Think there might be something wrong with this last patch @Wulf - didnt have this with the last one

  12. Nope. You just have to use latest version of oxide. Basicly, then the devblog came blueprint.reset() was private, but was exposed in the oxide v2.0.3520, so you have to update your oxide version.
  13. Thank you
  14. Ok so how can we give the permission to a group? because ive done oxide.grant group default blueprintmanager.all and it works, saying it gives it to them but it doesnt...
  15. Reload the plugin or restart the server, can't remember which one I did when I came across the same problem.
  16. Hey!

    We seems to have some Problems with the workbench requirements. at first it pops up and goes away and after a while it just isn't there. dunno what's wrong
  17. Same here. Reload plugin, and it's there, then stops working shortly after.
  18. It has a problem, impossible to craft certain item with the resources.
    Does it come from the plugin or elsewhere ????

    • blueprintmanager.admin (access to the /blueprint command)
      Ex. grant user Wulf blueprintmanager.admin
      Ex. revoke user Wulf blueprintmanager.admin
      Ex. grant group moderator blueprintmanager.admin
    • blueprintmanager.all (grants access to all blueprints)
    • blueprintmanager.config (grants access to all blueprints specified in the configuration file)
    • blueprintmanager.noworkbench (removes the need for a workbench)d
    All permision not work when i type grant group default blueprintmanager.config or other
    it show nothing on my console
  19. perm.grant group default blueprintmanager.config