

Total Downloads: 5,650 - First Release: Oct 6, 2017 - Last Update: Feb 19, 2018

5/5, 23 likes
  1. Oh. Okey :)
  2. Would it be possible to lock specific default blueprints as well? Such as a vending machine or code lock.
  3. See my config post on page 1, and take out everything you don't want them to have by default.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1507341480][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I noticed that in the quick craft bar, it still only shows items you can craft via blueprints you have acquired in game. While I have HQM in my inventory, there are no items shown for it, only items I managed to blueprint before this wonderful plugin came out. Maybe something to put in an update I suppose?
  4. Permission "blueprintmanager.noworkbench" does not work
  5. Thank you for creating this plugin! I'm also having the "blueprintmanager.noworkbench" not working. In the crafting inventory random items also have [New!] highlighted next to them. Is that normal?
  6. Hey, dude, good job on this one! My version was a bit later, so.... Your one is to be then =)
    Also - you doesn't need to get PlayerBlueprints as component - there is a field BasePlayer.blueprints
    Also in the latest oxide version PlayerBlueprints.UnlockAll() and PlayerBlueprints.Reset() fields was exposed as public, so you can use them directly.
    Once again - good job!
    But I don't get - what the permission "blueprintmanager.noworkbench" actually does? I don't see an implemention of it in the code...
  7. smabezo why you are waiting for donator permission
    give donator access to all with blueprintmanager.all

    Really great Plugin !!!! Thanks
  8. the plugin have a little problem

    i give me the permission blueprintmanager.all then i reconnect the server and i have all blueprints GREAT

    i revoke the permission blueprintmanager.all for me - and reconnect the server, and i have Farther all blueprints - not great

    any idea to fix this ?
  9. This can't be fixed. The only way - store what bps player have unlocked and restore them. Or even restore to the defaults.
  10. i know i think i must delete then the user folder - its ok
  11. Thanks! Removing the reflection right now. Secondly, blueprintmanager.noworkbench doesn't have any effect, yet. There was no way to override CanCraft, now that there's a hook in Oxide it's not a problem. The only solution was server-wide, hence the config option. I do intend to make the level configurable per item though.
    I did consider that, my only possible idea was storing the players blueprints in data, however that's kind of a hacky and bad solution in my opinion. Blueprints are tied to the player, meaning once I set them, Rust serializes them.
    That has to do with how Rust manages item priority, I don't think there's much that can be done.
  12. Hey, can you fix the console command? It's not working. Ty
  13. Yes, that's Rust. It will probably show until crafted.
    There isn't an existing command, but I'll happily add it.
  14. Another question, when you will add support for donators? and thanks for your attention :)
  15. This works for adding specific items, however it doesn't remove/lock default blueprints allowed from the start by the game itself, such as crossbows, vending machines, code locks, etc... Basically I'm looking for a way to revoke access to some of the more "advanced" default blueprints.

    Additionally, would it be possible to add/edit which tier workbench certain items require in order to craft?
    Thanks for your work on this mod -- sorry for all the questions.
  16. I was just working on that, and by the looks of it the only way to update it for the client is through setting craftLevel to 0 via an RPC, when I set the items required tier the client still doesn't allow it to be crafted.
  17. can u add a blocklist
    that the players cant make blueprints from this block list ?
  18. fixed half asleep lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2017
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Permissions "not existing" generally means the plugin isn't loaded in most cases.
  20. fixed :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2017