

Total Downloads: 18,673 - First Release: Apr 8, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 15, 2018

5/5, 52 likes
  1. I'll check when have more free time and fix it, probably on Wednesday. Be patient please. Thank you.
  2. (20:57:54) | [Oxide] 8:58 PM [Error] Failed to call hook 'ChatBuildGrade' on plugin 'AutoGrades v0.0.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

    (20:57:54) | [Oxide] 8:58 PM [Warning] CallHook 'ChatBuildGrade' on plugin 'AutoGrades v0.0.3' took: 513ms
  3. Hmm, i'm tested right now with latest oxide and rust and had no issues at all. All /bgrade commands works and all functions work correct. So try update server/oxide again and check if this help.

  4. Nope..
    (17:39:42) | [Oxide] 5:39 PM [Error] Failed to call hook 'ChatBuildGrade' on plugin 'AutoGrades v0.0.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

    (17:39:43) | [Oxide] 5:39 PM [Warning] CallHook 'ChatBuildGrade' on plugin 'AutoGrades v0.0.3' took: 500ms

    /bgrade ... Nothing

    Ok Working well, permission files error

  5. I have a issue where i give someone a group, and it dose not let them use it.
  6. how can i grant this to all players? i already did oxide.grant group player bgrade_4
  7. this was working fine before, got a new server and did oxide.grant group player bgrade_1 and players are still unable to use it due to "you do not have permission to use this command" is this plugin broke now or what?
  8. Please read this line:
    bgrade - access to /bgrade command, REQUIRED for any usage.
    So you have to grand bgrade_1 (or bgrade_4 for dofof37) AND bgrade permission.
  9. Latest version installed, all relevant groups assigned permissions - "You have no access to this command" -.-
  10. Is there a way to make it free? Where rather than when they place it and it takes the wood/stone/metal/HQM it dosent cost them?
  11. How to take permission away from 1 player?
  12. If its a group permission for an admin or mod make a new admin or mod group without the permission then add the user to it
  13. FTM


    None of my players have access, all permissions assigned.
  14. Do you need to have the resources in your inventory to upgrade your building? i want this as a donor command, but i want them to need to resources
  15. bgrade_no_res is not working, i give permission and is not working, even the owner has resource cost to build.
  16. [1/21/2016 8:51:34 PM] [Oxide] 8:51 PM [Error] Error while compiling AutoGrades.cs(203,46): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `int' expression to type `Item'
    After latest update
  17. Same here. I'll try to find some more info on this. Flashlights and faster doors not worth losing autogrades...

    so does 203,46 point to this line?
    playerGrades[steamId] = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);

    it can't get the steamId?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2016
  18. AutoGrades not working
  19. Yeah I'm getting this on compile:

    [Oxide] 4:03 PM [Error] AutoGrades plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 4:03 PM [Error] AutoGrades.cs(203,46): error CS1503: Argument `#1' canno
    t convert `int' expression to type `Item'
  20. Can confirm does not work