

Total Downloads: 2,515 - First Release: Jan 9, 2017 - Last Update: Jan 23, 2018

5/5, 10 likes
  1. To get a value from a JObject, use jobj.GetValue("key").ToObject<valueType>()

    And sure, you can use that function.
  2. Ahh thanks heaps! And what would be the key in this case? :)

    And awesome thanks heaps!
  3. The public variable names of the MuteInfo class in BetterChatMute
  4. BetterChatMute Does Not work when you have the Quest plugin installed.
  5. BeatterChatMute does not work with UFilter, as well.
    If both are installed, UFilter overrides the chat, and even if a player is muted, their message still displays.
  6. I give myself permission betterchatmute.use but when i type /mute player it says you don't have access to this command ? did the permission changed ? should we be using betterchatmute.permanent ?
  7. Yes. For permanent muting, you also need to have the permission betterchatmute.permanent
  8. So for betterchatmute.use to work you need the permission betterchatmute.permanent ? Because i already have the permissions betterchatmute.use and it says i have no access to that command.
  9. Now, I haven't tested it... but have you tried "/mute <name/steamid> <#d/#h/#m/#s>"
    I'm assuming using just "/mute <name>" has the plugin default the command to permanent mute (like time is set to zero), which in-turn means you DO need the betterchatmute.permanent permission.

    For example:
    /mute Earth2Luke = Mute player Earth2Luke permanently.
    /mute Earth2Luke 30m = Mute player Earth2Luke for 30 minutes only.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2017
  10. Plugin not working

    Loaded plugin Better Chat Mute v1.0.4 by LaserHydra
    Failed to initialize plugin 'BetterChatMute v1.0.4' (JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path '76561198318282406.ExpireDate', line 3, position 19.)
    Unloaded plugin Better Chat Mute v1.0.4 by LaserHydra
  11. @LaserHydra Can you add expire mutes to the Unmute hook, or possibly create a new hook for expired Mutes? :D Thanks heaps!
  12. try to remove BetterChatMute.json from data folder
  13. Ty that worked
  14. I can't permanently mute people from Console/RCON.
  15. Can you give me details why you can not?.
  16. Yeah, no permission to use this command.
  17. +1

    > mute 76561198002418971
    No Permission
    > mute 76561198002418971 12m
    [Better Chat Mute] Vlad-00003 was muted by Server Console for 11 minute(s), 59 second(s).
  18. LaserHydra updated BetterChat Mute with a new update entry:
