

Total Downloads: 15,961 - First Release: Oct 30, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 6, 2018

5/5, 49 likes
  1. show on back set to true I've given myself all the permissions and I cant get this working?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1517019374][/DOUBLEPOST]I've figured it out! :D
  2. Hi laser , i have modified the command /backpack to /bkp (short is better because many players dont want to bind key etc..) does it possible for the next update have this name choice in the config file?
  3. if they dont bind the keys they carnt use the backpack lol its the most simple way is to bind the keys. hehehe

    also im getting this error which is stoping the backapck blocker working any way to fix this please

    (16:58:55) | Calling hook CanAcceptItem resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: Backpacks - CannotAccept (CanAcceptResult), Skins (True (Boolean))
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2018
  4. Oh god, not this again. PM me and I can help you out.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1517082344][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh hey, question.
    Is it possible to add a check of playerID to make it not save backpacks for NPC's?
    I've noticed when I went to clean out backpacks that it saved a backpack for every NPC that has ever spawned on the server, and that isn't good.
  5. U sure ? type /backpack that s open it
  6. I have installed this plugin on the server, but when i try to use it, it says: You don't have permission to use this command. I am the owner of the server. Can someone help me?
  7. lol did you read the information on the plugins lol

    • backpacks.admin - required for /viewbackpack command
    • backpacks.use - required for using a backpack
    • backpacks.use.small - makes player have a small backpack (still requires backpacks.use)
    • backpacks.use.medium - makes player have a medium backpack (still requires backpacks.use)
    • backpacks.use.large - makes player have a large backpack (still requires backpacks.use)
  8. I have given myself permission, but still get that message
  9. check you are set as owner double check you have added the perms to yourself
    o.grant username backpacks.admin and the rest of the perms
  10. What command did you run if you can post it
  11. Code:
     o.grant username backpacks.admin 
  12. oxide.grant group admin backpacks.use
    oxide.grant group admin backpacks.admin
  13. Players of my server are reporting that the /backpack command isn't working, they said that 9/10 times that they need open their backpack nothing happens.
  14. I would suggest having them bind a key to
    Otherwise, do they have permissions?
  15. I´ve installed the Plugin. Not working. I tryed to give Permissions: Permission 'backpack.use.' doesn't exist. i don´t know what to do now.
  16. permission is backpacks.use
  17. yes they have permission, and the command sometimes open sometimes not.
  18. Does an error pop up in your console when it doesn't pop up?
  19. Nope, nothing happens, not in server console, not on my game console, however /viewbackpack still works, or when i reload the plugin.
  20. Then it isn't a problem within the plugin.
    Do the players have high ping?