

Total Downloads: 11,128 - First Release: Dec 2, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 34 likes
  1. k1lly0u updated Airstrike with a new update entry:


  2. the plugin disabled the plugin easy airdrop
  3. Ive never used easy airdrop but it should only stop a airdrop if its called at the same time a airstrike is called. I think there is a 5 second window where other planes will be destroyed (otherwise when throwing a supply signal it calls a airdrop aswell as the strike plane)
  4. for autorize the players buy an airstrike the command is grant group player airstrike.buystrike?
    and for toggle the user have to put /togglestrike on with o without quotes?
  5. /togglestrike is used with the permission "airstrike" which turns a supply signal into a airstrike
    /buystrike is used with the permission "airstrike.buystrike" which allows you to purchase a airstrike
  6. Good Plugin
    i one Suggests
    Can airstrike time repeat event to random Player?
  7. k1lly0u updated Airstrike with a new update entry:


  8. k1lly0u updated Airstrike with a new update entry:


  9. k1lly0u updated Airstrike with a new update entry:


  10. Trying to get the airstrikes to be purchased by my players in game but the commands arent working to allow them to buy these are the commands that dont work airstrike.canuse, airstrike.buystrike can.buystrike and can.airstrike all say invalid command but i can call in airstrikes no problem
  11. airstrike.canuse and airstrike.buystrike are permissions. Grant them to the player group using "oxide.grant group player 'permissionname'" in your console
    For airstrike.canuse, players type '/togglestrike on/off' to turn the function on or off. When on they have to throw a supply signal which will call a airstrike.
    For airstrike.buystrike, players type '/buystrike option' with the options being either 'metal' or 'computer'. The player will need the required materials in their inventory, if they have enough a airstrike will be called to their location
  12. The onxide.grant part was what i was missing ill try that thanks
  13. nice work on squadstrike! an idea... why add in buystrike posibility to a player buy a squad strike with a high price? i thinking 5000 HQM
  14. so what am I looking for planes or choppers or what?
  15. k1lly0u updated Airstrike with a new update entry:


  16. Hey,
    Is it possible to make this compatible with Economics? So when you do /buystrike it takes out $1,000 from your balance or something?
    This would be amazing as my who server is economy based.
  17. I'll look into it
  18. I think I maybe having some issues with this. If for example, I call the "Squad Strike" on myself, the planes fly in formation and branch off in three separate/random directions way before they reach my location. Is there something I'm over looking?
  19. That is odd, I just tried it and its still working for me. Have you edited the plugin directly at all?
  20. k1lly0u updated Airstrike with a new update entry:
