

Total Downloads: 11,127 - First Release: Dec 2, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 34 likes
  1. ok i have airstrike set to money so the players do /buystrike money but only 1 player from the whole server can buy it per hour how do i set it so every player can call it in 1 time per hour
  2. So any fix ? when a player /callstrike but it says "player not found" string, can you make it so it wont count as a cd when that happens ?
  3. Awesome plugin Sir! I do have an interesting question however.. Where in config it says "Rockets - Default rocket type": " etc ",
    Could I say, change the regular rocket to say, bean.cans or pumpkins or apples etc? Hear me out. It would be kinda cool to have planes fly over and drop stupid\simple supplies over players..just for the hell of it. Maybe a rain storm of pumpkins eh?
  4. any plans to add a timer so it automatically does a random air drop, would add a bit of fun to game
  5. (19:23:13) | Failed to call hook 'OnExplosiveThrown' on plugin 'Airstrike v0.2.51' (InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.)

    Any idea why it's displaying this?
  6. You could already do that with TimedExecute or something similar by running the console command "airstrike"
    Update oxide
  7. would you mind explaining how to do the timedexecute?
  8. Sorry this might be a noob question but can I use this with Server Rewards Plugin instead of Economics?
  9. Bump
    Sorry this might be a noob question but can I use this with Server Rewards Plugin instead of Economics?
  10. @k1lly0u could you add support for server rewards to this? :)
  11. Is there any way to make the airstrikes automatic like airdrops and helis?
  12. hello,

    is there a way to create custom commands for players to call in airstrikes if they purchase a package on my server?
  13. Use TimedExecute and just sent at some times the console command ;)

    Btw @k1lly0u not sure if its issue, but whenever any airstrike (mostly I use only squad strikes) I see this spam in my console, but still not sure if its issue or not since all works, just the warning in console:
    (18:00:11) | [Airstrike] Airstrike called to (338.1, 0.0, -1328.2)
    (18:01:24) | rocket_basic[7126426] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:25) | rocket_fire[7126433] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:26) | rocket_fire[7126451] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:26) | rocket_basic[7126468] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:27) | rocket_basic[7126474] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:27) | rocket_fire[7126475] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:27) | rocket_basic[7126502] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:28) | rocket_basic[7126529] changed its network group to null
    (18:01:29) | rocket_basic[7126548] changed its network group to null
  14. how do I just have it give a smoke signal to postition with cooldown no buying
  15. how do i keep togglestrike on? in cfg file?
  16. Can you put in admin side toggle for random airstrike on continues loop with a cfg between example 30 to 50 mins in between to next strike, just as one does with airdrop.
  17. Or you could use TimedExecute to run Airstrike, with little tricks you can set it to random ;)

    But +1 that it would be great to see it as option inside instead of using another different plugin for this :)
  18. Hello how do I edit this so I can ha e different color smoke come out of the signal for each different setting . one for each toggle? Is it possible ?
  19. Just a thought. Could you program so you could use a targeting laptop and a map to call in airstrike on an area?
  20. Hey Killy0u can you fix this. ?

    " Also theres a bug with /callstrike. If you type the name wrong the strike doesnt come and the command is put on cooldown "