1. t0pdevice submitted a new resource:

    Airdrop Settings - airdrop limit parachute drop loot cargoplane supplydrop

    Read more about this resource...
  2. Thx alot man! :)
  3. t0pdevice updated Airdrop Settings with a new update entry:

    Version 0.0.2

  4. Will it be available to configure list and probability of droppable items (including blueprints too)? Plugin "airdprops hotfix" bugged and spams all the sky with supplies full of weapons!
  5. It's possible.
  6. why is the Cargo Plane removed? could u put maybe an annoncement in? so people know when the airdrop is comming? thx :)
  7. It's removed if the number of players on the server is less than in the config MinimumPlayers.
    I can add a chat notification, but in fact you can see the plane and heard it sounds.
  8. I would like to me too. Thanks
  9. ahh ok :) thx :)
  10. Thanks but it doesn't work. The chute stays up and the crate stays after looting. Airdrop frequency and cooldown do work though.
  11. Any logs? Did you restart plugin when server is worked?
  12. Yes, the server was restarted. What log you want.
  13. ..\server\<name>\Log.Error.txt
  14. Attached. I have a kit error it looks like as well. Know anything about that? Kit seems to be working fine.

    Attached Files:

  15. You have another plugin that is using similar airdrop commands, I suspect it's the other airdrop plugin that's available here, just remove that one and reload this one and you should be fine, and regarding the Kits issue, just remove the current config and generate a new one (or correct it manually) because something is missing from the config file.
  16. Hemoglobin36, if you have airdrop_limits.lua, remove it.
  17. Can you check your PM? Thanks for the help!
    [DOUBLEPOST=1421953956][/DOUBLEPOST]This plugin still doesn't work. Have you tested it?
  18. Sure. Not only me.
    What is the problem? And write a list of installed plugins.
  19. Its working now! Think I had the json mixed up with another one. :)

    Thank you! Great plugin.
  20. This is a great replacement for the "Customizable airdrop fix" plugin since now you get the container loot from inside the airdrop AND the loot from the plugin. My problem is that I personally think the default Rust airdrop loot is retarded, I've gotten 3 or more assault rifles and 200+ ammo for it in a single airdrop MANY times, my request for you is to add the ability to customize the loot inside the airdrop unlike the airdrop hotfix plugin. I hope you understand what I mean.