Voter Rewards

Rewards players who vote for your server on

Total Downloads: 3,445 - First Release: Jan 5, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 18, 2017

5/5, 18 likes
  1. Okay guys I got it working for me. Instead of using the short names I just quoted the item display name like this.

    Works like a charm now, because I was having the same issues. :D
    Yes it does, just do "Bolt Action Rifle" instead of "rifle.bolt" and it will work. You just can't use short names right now.

    If you need help with your config, don't hesitate to ask :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2015
  2. Didn't work for me.

    "Metal Fragments": 100,
    "High Quality Metal": 20,
    "Wood": 5000

    No errors. Everything works but the metal.
  3. Let me test it, I'll be right back with you.
  4. Thanks so much I will give it a try
  5. Ugh, unfortunatley I can't get metal to work either, only wood. And I'm not the best with the LUA language. I opened up the plugin to try and apply a temp fix but I couldn't quite figure out the problem.

    From what I could understand I'm guessing it has something to do with else statement under the C_Rewards section. This is the "criteria" the items have to meet in the naming conventions for it to actually add them to the players inventory? However, I could be completely wrong and sound ignorant. xD

            SendMessage(player,  msgs.RewardsBegin)
            SendMessage(player, msgs.RewardsBalance:format(USERS[rust.UserIDFromPlayer(player)] or 0))
            for i=1, #settings.Rewards do      
                local reward = settings.Rewards[i]
                local msg = msgs.RewardsList:gsub("{PRICE}", tostring(reward.price))
                local names = {}
                for shortname, amount in pairs (reward.reward) do
                    local name, count = shortname:gsub("_bp", "")
                    table.insert(names, (ITEMS[name] or name) .. ((count > 0 and " BP") or "") .. " x" .. tostring(amount) )
                SendMessage(player, msg:gsub("{REWARD}", table.concat(names, ", ")), "[ID " .. tostring(i) .. "]" )
            SendMessage(player,  msgs.RewardsEnd)
    @Wulf - What do you think?
  6. same here no error and only wood is working
  7. Okay so I lied apparently - "Supply Signal" isn't even working. :( This is the main plugin that moves us up the server lists, it sucks that it doesn't work.
  8. yes well atleast they c an get wood :)
  9. So.. is this gonna get fixed or not? Need some more rewards bruh xD
  10. isnt there a skilled coder who can help us poor little server owners ? :D
  11. Hello!
    Somehow the /vote command doesnt work for me. Simply nothing happens.
    The other commands work for me thou.
    Do I have to change anything after installing the plguin?

    with best regards
  12. can you help us out @Wulf ?
  13. So is this not working at all or just for certain items?
  14. I've noticed it works with single word items, anything that was renamed with a "." instead of a "_" seems to not work. Stuff like wood etc seems to work fine still. If I do "supply.signal" it doesn't.
  15. /vote isnt working for me either.....

    So you just go to the voting site i put the key and ID to. They sign in with their steam account and vote. Then this will auto link it back to them and reward them?
  16. That's strange, the commands are all working for me. What version of Oxide are you running? Type "version" in console.

    Whoever, to answer your initial question yes. They login through steam and vote on the sites, then in-game they type /vote to claim their points. After they've claimed their points they can then type /rewards to see the id number for the current rewards you have set in the config. Then they would type /rewards ID# to claim their reward if they have enough points for it. Currently, none of that is working for me but I am still able to use the commands, so that is strange that you're not able to.
  17. Thanks for the prompt reply.
    My Oxide version is 2.0.1268
    /reward shows the rewards I have setup
    /rewards ID works, but errors out since no point have been gained
    /vote does nothing
  18. Hmm interesting, same issues here except my /vote works. At the end of the day we just have to hope this gets updated. :(
  19. I found that with /reward 1 it does not take away the players point so they can spam for items. I have removed the plugin for now