

Total Downloads: 1,114 - First Release: Nov 28, 2016 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 6 likes
  1. Do not plug-in works. check plz
    Do not extract resources and there efetka after upgrade
  2. could you also have the command accept steamids in additions to names when using the console commands. Using steamids insures the correct player gets the benefit. And a space in a name can stop the command from working.
  3. one more suggestion. could you make the effect happen every 5th hit instead of every hit. would be less intrusive.
  4. redBDGR updated TurboGather with a new update entry:


  5. I am not sure but the GUI is not showing. and could this works with ZLevels Remastered for Rust | Oxide ? And chance to have optional effect (or null) instead of "lock.code.shock.prefab"? :)
  6. If you read the documentation & config, there is already an option for disabling the effect ("Effect Enabled": true,). Ill include a config option for changing the effect. As for zlevels, what do you mean "work"? ATM it would already be multiplying the items and including the zlevels boost.
  7. @redBDGR I'm getting complaints from players that upon dying while using TurboGather, they are not able to respawn in their sleeping bag or randomly around the map. Is this a known bug to you?
  8. Thats weird. I can't think why turbogather would be causing this, and have never heard of it happen before, but ill do a bit of investigation tonight and see if it is something from turbogather
    [DOUBLEPOST=1490001840][/DOUBLEPOST]I think this is something to do with the GUI, I'll work on a fix for it & push it when i can

    Edit: For a temp fix, just disable the GUI in the config
  9. Thank you for your fast reply! If you need me to test something, please let me know.
  10. After setting "GUI Enabled": false, and restarted server emblem still shows when turbo is active
  11. redBDGR updated TurboGather with a new update entry:


  12. Ty for really fast fix/help
  13. Last update works great. Is there any way you could add the option to check the cooldown without accidentally activating the turbo?
  14. Please tell me how to move your picture? And then layered on the column where the health panel is about the player!
  15. I might include this in an update, the option to move this image around. I haven't really had a lot of time to focus on this GUI as ive been really busy. I should be able to put in an option for this possibly tomorrow sometime
  16. Ok, thanks, we will wait!
  17. Hi there, I'm new to all this. How do I get everyone to use? I'm admin on my server and it wont allow me to use so I can see it works for everyone? Okay I have managed to get it to work for me, does that mean everyone can use it? or do I have to grant each person permission? One last thing is how do I take away the turbo picture and take away the electric spark and light? Any help is really appreciated. Thank you
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2017
  18. Check the config for these two settings

    "GUI Enabled": true,
    "Effect Enabled": true,

    As for the permissions, you will want to check out this guide if you do not fully understand how they work: Using the Oxide permission system | Oxide
  19. redBDGR updated TurboGather with a new update entry:
