

Total Downloads: 2,465 - First Release: Jan 13, 2015 - Last Update: Jul 28, 2017

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  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I tested it to be working just fine when loading. The error you are seeing is with "cmdAutoCommand", which is when you use the /autocmd command in chat or auto.command in the server console without a valid number of arguments.

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Auto Commands with a new update entry:

    Fixed for latest Rust changes

  3. CHR


    Should this work with server.tickrate ? Someone tried ?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It just runs the commands, so any commands that can be set via the server console should work with it.
  5. Most of the commands I am adding are working with the exception of server.hostname <name>.

    I have spaces in the server hostname, as you can see below, that is obviously causing issues as it only updates the [UK|EU] part;

    server.hostname "[UK|EU] Corrode |Instacraft|Airdrops|Kits|x4Gather|TP|AntiCheat"

    Any ideas how I can get it to look past the spaces? I have tried to add via both the ingame commands and in the cfg file but to no avail.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd need to quote and escape the quotes.
    server.hostname \"[UK|EU] Corrode |Instacraft|Airdrops|Kits|x4Gather|TP|AntiCheat\"
  7. Hello!
    Help, I try to add a command (/autocmd server.hostname "Зелёный ЛЕС') where the server name in Russian, nothing comes out.
    Tried to enter the command in both ways, on a straight line in the configuration file and the chat games.
    Tried to replace the backslash quotes, the same result.
    (Unknown command action! Use add or remove)
    Tried it, but when loading the file, this line is removed and the error in the console writes it on the line where This command was introduced.
    ("server.hostname \"Зелёный ЛЕС\")
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You aren't using the chat command right. /autocmd add "server.hostname \"Зелёный ЛЕС\""

    If your config was corrupted, then you likely didn't format it properly. Please upload your config here.
  9. Tried this command, the same result
      "Messages": {
        "AlreadyAdded": "{command} is already on the auto command list!",
        "ChatHelp": "Use /autocmd add|remove command to add or remove an auto command",
        "CommandAdded": "{command} has been added to the auto command list!",
        "CommandRemoved": "{command} has been removed from the auto command list!",
        "ConsoleHelp": "Use auto.command add|remove command to add or remove an auto command",
        "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
        "NotListed": "{command} is not on the auto command list!",
        "UnknownAction": "Unknown command action! Use add or remove"
      "Settings": {
        "AuthLevel": 2,
        "ChatCommand": "autocmd",
        "ChatName": "SERVER",
        "ChatNameHelp": "HELP",
        "Commands": [
          "server.globalchat true",
          "server.stability false"
        "ConsoleCommand": "auto.command"
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

      "Messages": {
        "AlreadyAdded": "{command} is already on the auto command list!",
        "ChatHelp": "Use /autocmd add|remove command to add or remove an auto command",
        "CommandAdded": "{command} has been added to the auto command list!",
        "CommandRemoved": "{command} has been removed from the auto command list!",
        "ConsoleHelp": "Use auto.command add|remove command to add or remove an auto command",
        "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
        "NotListed": "{command} is not on the auto command list!",
        "UnknownAction": "Unknown command action! Use add or remove"
      "Settings": {
        "AuthLevel": 2,
        "ChatCommand": "autocmd",
        "ChatName": "SERVER",
        "ChatNameHelp": "HELP",
        "Commands": [
          "server.globalchat true",
          "server.hostname \"Зелёный ЛЕС\""
        "ConsoleCommand": "auto.command"
    I added it above. Why not use cfg/server.cfg though? Rust supports that now.
  11. I understand you, now try
    [DOUBLEPOST=1430147406][/DOUBLEPOST]Command worked, but in the server list the name remains the same, and in the configuration file Russian characters are replaced by diamonds
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Save the server.cfg using using UTF-8.
  13. I have only one file in a folder (serverauto.cfg) and it's empty
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    cfg/server.cfg from the root directory, not server/my_server_identity/cfg.
  15. rust_dedicated\server\HARD Rust\cfg\serverauto.cfg
    Only this way and there is the file, no more
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    As I said, that's not the right location. Rust doesn't use the file there.
  17. but I do not have that file about which you spoke
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Make it. ;)
  19. And in what directory to create it?
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The cfg, just as I previously said.