1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    12871 and 12881 are the default ports, unless you change them in your startup script or autoexec.cfg. Only UDP needs to be open, but that's it. Can you connect to your server via the F1 console?
  2. Neither with F1 connect command, but I solved now... My damn Coletek router needs to open ANY PORT to > 12871, same to 12881, both created with separate rules and with then specified as final destination, yeah weird, but this router 'asks' for the destination port ¬¬'
    Since I tried a single rule with both ports it didnt worked due to the 'Same port as input port' option, then I changed this samething to Specify with 1 of the ports, then another after I didnt achieved nothing, since both tries didnt work, I divided the forward rule in 2, 1 for each port and Specified each one there... too weird...

  3. Pls, someone know how can I connect to my server by rcon?
    The query port is for rcon. Right?

    Can I connect with mcrcon by example?

    Or which can be the way to check if server is online from webpage?
    Thanks. ^^
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There is no RCON in the game yet. The query port is for the server listings and informational use.
  5. someone can help me? i start an server with steamcmd....my friend will join this server.. what i have to do that he can join? router config? pls step by step
  6. Thank you very much Wulf!
    I want get info from server via PHP or similar. I'll try something else.

    I can ask another question?
    In my server console shows:
    - Client trying to do something its not allowed

    How can I get more data? Its Oxide or CoreServer?

    Thanks and Great Work ^^
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's from the game, don't really have anymore info other than what the message says.
  8. After a lot of work I managed to make a Hurtworld server but nobody can connect!
    I have forwarded the port 12871 but when using a port checker tool when the server is running the port is closed.
    I checked if my Minecraft server was working and the port was open on that so it cannot be a problem with my connection to my router.

    Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Nobody can join my server :(
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Minecraft uses TCP, Hurtworld uses UDP. A lot of port checkers may not work with UDP.
  10. I tried inviting one of my friends but it says they cant connect. I have forwarded the port using UDP/TCP I have no idea why its not working.
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Can you connect to the server locally? If that works, then it's an issue with the port not being open with your router still.
  12. after today's update i cant't launch the server, but i'm download server and it's not working, wtf
  13. I have same problem. But still can connect by IPaddress. I think it is because version. But I don't know what to do. I need help..
  14. ..it seems that they closed unofficial servers. it's simply don't launch, brrr

    Attached Files:

  15. Today is my first time meet foreigner in web. So very interesting you use brrr. These days I see it many times. In Korea it write 'ㅂㄷㅂㄷ'.
    Anyway I hope get solved as soon as possible, brrr
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you installed Oxide, you used an outdated build and downgraded your server's Hurtworld version.
  17. Hi.

    If set up an server and its working fine when i trie to connect with F1. But when i try to invite an friend to the game (or he tries to join) He gets an error with cant connect. Help me?!
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd recommend checking your port forwarding again.
  19. I am missing the drop mode parameter , any ideas?

    Some other parameters;

    autowipe <0/1>
    wipeinterval <seconds>
    combatlogtimeout <value>
    creativemode <value>
  20. Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2015