

Total Downloads: 14,032 - First Release: Mar 2, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 9, 2018

5/5, 61 likes
  1. Can you give me a ready made config for Items. I still have nothing that appears in the items thank you.
  2. Read this:

    How to add a Item to the reward store
    - In-game
    To add a item to the reward store is simple. Spawn the item you want to use, place it in your hands, and then type the chat command.
    ex. /rewards add item <cost> - This will add the item that is in your hand to the reward store for a RP price of <cost>. It will also save the amount and skin of the item so keep this is mind when adding your prices
    - Through console commands
    The syntax for adding a item via console commands is as follows;
    "rewards add item <shortname> <skinId> <amount> <cost>"
    If I wanted to add a Assault Rifle for 10RP I would type like so - "rewards add item rifle.ak 0 1 10"
    You can get a list of item short names and skin ID's from the Oxide docs found here -> Oxide API for Rust
    *Note - Items will be automatically sorted into the appropriate category!
  3. Nothing to do does not work. I do not find or are the Id's Skin. After I am done the right command.
    / Rewards add item "M249" "193190034" "1" "300"
    Rewards add item "M249" "193190034" "" "1" "300"
    The problem of the 2nd command is that the text does not go too long.
    I have tested several config already done and even result nothing.
    Help Me
  4. You only nees to place it in your hand and then type /rewards add item m249 (cost)
  5. How Can u give me an exapel ?
  6. Here is one example:
        "rifle.ak": {
          "0": {
            "price": 0.0,
            "displayName": "Assault Rifle",
            "enabled": false
    if you are doing it trough ingame chat I don't think you need the item id to enter. You just need to have it in your hand and then type /rewards add item and cost

    Or if you want to do it trough config then go to \oxide\data\ServerRewards and find file called rewards_data.json and here is a example of what you need to put there:

        "rifle.ak_0": {
          "shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "displayName": "Assault Rifle",
          "customIcon": null,
          "amount": 1,
          "cost": 10000,
          "skinId": 0,
          "category": 1
  7. have item in your hands first then in game chat post
    /rewards add item 1300
  8. Bless you lol
  9. Explain me why when I but this file nothing affects ????

    Attached Files:

  10. explain nothing effects as it makes no sense
  11. Firstly you have a completely different config to how it should be.

      "RewardItems": {
        "0": {
          "DisplayName": "Огнемёт",
          "URL": "",
          "ID": 1045869440,
          "Amount": 1,
          "BP": false,
          "Skin": 0,
          "Cost": 50
    How it should be:
      "items": {
        "ammo.handmade.shell_0": {
          "shortname": "",
          "displayName": "Handmade Shell",
          "customIcon": null,
          "amount": 250,
          "cost": 250,
          "skinId": 0,
          "category": 9
        "ammo.pistol_0": {
    I would recommend making a back up of your current config and then deleting it off the server and reloading rewards, let it create a new config then you download that and transfer your items into the new config.
  12. You who are so clever give me a config
  13. I added an items to the shop but after i opened the shop it doesn't appear like it just blank. Anyone?
  14. Check your \oxide\data\ServerRewards\reward_data.json file. Does it appear there! And also check your log file for any errors. Log file can be found here: \oxide\logs\
  15. I don't see any error message from the log. It just keep appearing like this.

    Attached Files:

  16. Did you press on any tabs? :D And also make sure your data file is correct
  17. Nevermind. Fixed it by reloading the plugin through the console. Thanks for the help though!
  18. There are a few commands you need to run after adding all items run these in rcon
    reload ServerRewards
    It will start to build the image base so give it some time
  19. You actually don't need to use refreshallimages, a load order will be created when SR loads and any new icons will be automatically downloaded.
    There should be no plugins that require that command to be run anymore at all because unless you are force loading every image in IL then it doesn't actually do anything other then reset your already downloaded images