

Total Downloads: 14,032 - First Release: Mar 2, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 9, 2018

5/5, 61 likes
  1. i upload my screenshoot but somebody delete it :/
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    We need the actual files, you already uploaded an image of the filenames. We need to see the log contents.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    All of the files you showed, which you can upload here using the Upload a File button.
  4. here all logs :)

    Attached Files:

  5. Do you have logs from oxide folder?
  6. only this file in oxide folder then other folders

    Attached Files:

  7. And one of those folders should be logs! In there post the latest log file you have
  8. here is all logs

    Attached Files:

  9. Are you sure you have installed it in right place? Because when I went trough your logs I saw that all the plugins are running but the server rewards isn't. And have you got ImageLibary installed?
  10. i install it right because oxide generating me files in data folder and in config folder
  11. Yes you have but you haven't installed ImageLibary, that's why your ServerRewards plugin isn't working.

    Link to Image Libary: ImageLibrary for Rust | Oxide
  12. Is it possible to remove the "Kits" category on the server rewards GUI?
  13. Have you ever looked at the config?
  14. I do not understand . Not a single item is displayed. Do you have a config already made thank you

    Attached Files:

  15. Read the overview all parts of it
  16. As Resistance said, but you probably won't. So to spare this topic here is the config:

      "Active categories (global)": { // Enable or disable tabs from being displayed
        "Show commands tab": true,
        "Show exchange tab": true,
        "Show items tab": true,
        "Show kits tab": true,
        "Show seller tab": true,
        "Show transfer tab": true
      "Coloring": { // Change text and UI coloring
        "Background color": {
          "Hex color": "#2a2a2a",
          "Transparency (0 - 1)": 0.98
        "Button color - accept": {
          "Hex color": "#00cd00",
          "Transparency (0 - 1)": 0.9
        "Button color - inactive": {
          "Hex color": "#a8a8a8",
          "Transparency (0 - 1)": 0.9
        "Button color - standard": {
          "Hex color": "#2a2a2a",
          "Transparency (0 - 1)": 0.9
        "Primary panel color": {
          "Hex color": "#696969",
          "Transparency (0 - 1)": 0.3
        "Primary text color": "#ce422b",
        "Secondary panel color": {
          "Hex color": "#373737",
          "Transparency (0 - 1)": 0.98
        "Secondary text color": "#939393"
      "Currency exchange rates": { // Currency exchange rates
        "Value of Economics": 100,
        "Value of RP": 1
      "Options": {
        "Data save interval": 600,
        "Log all transactions": true,
        "Use NPC dealers only": false
      "UI Options": {
        "Disable fade in effect": true,
        "Display kit contents as the description": true,
        "Display user playtime": true
    Read the top bit :)
  17. Before I have a go at trying to modify this plugin, want to ask. Is there a reason you set it to exchange economics for RP instead of allowing players to directly use their economy funds to buy from items list?
  18. anyone that can tell me how i cam make so in /s u can sell 10 scrap for 1 rp ?
    cus i cant figur it out ?! plzz help me !

  19. Go to \oxide\data\ServerRewards\

    and edit file called sale_data.json