Rain of Fire

Custom event that adds meteor showers to the game

Total Downloads: 9,963 - First Release: Jul 20, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 1, 2017

5/5, 45 likes
  1. PopupNotifications?????
  2. Could we have console commands please?
  3. emu


    PopupNotifications is a plugin I just made, it is currently awaiting approval. Check back tomorrow.
    What do you need specifically?
  4. there is already a pop up plugin
  5. it doesnt have support for other plugins so he made one im assuming
  6. emu


    Correct. I made one that other developers can integrate with their plugin easily. I hope it turns out well.
    It's approved.
  7. Just the ability to run the event from console like "event.run" for airdrops. Also, barrage didn't seem to be working for me yesterday.
  8. emu


  9. Nice one, thanks!
  10. Want disable event and do programmed ROF but i can't, i did /rof intervals 0, it say : Event intervals under 240 are not allowed
  11. emu


    emu updated Rain of Fire with a new update entry:

    Bug fix

  12. Ahh did it in config, looks like good.
  13. I haven't been able to run an event centered on me from either the console or the chat using the commands specified. Running the latest versions of both Oxide and RoF. Suggestions?
  14. emu


    Can you call the random event or the setting commands?
  15. emu


    emu updated Rain of Fire with a new update entry:

    Intervals fix

  16. it would be great if during the Event spoiled the weather.
  17. Thanks! Works! You're awesome!
  18. This is cool. Certainly a different way of doing it but awesome! I had worked on a metorite plugin myself. Here was my original work on the same type of thing.

    Good luck!
  19. [7/23/2015 5:41:24 PM] [Oxide] 5:41 PM [Error] Error while compiling RainOfFire.cs(135,82): error CS1061: Type `PlayerEyes' does not contain a definition for `Forward' and no extension method `Forward' of type `PlayerEyes' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    Plugin don't load, the commands dont work. Happening with alot of plugins.
  20. i second this ^^