
Building and entity removal tool

Total Downloads: 63,370 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 7, 2018

5/5, 105 likes
  1. Hm I used the Version from page 94, with that version many ppl got that "building blocked" bug - so I used renebs update and now ppl aren't able to remove things they have built... :(
  2. Nice, I haven't followed the updates on that since it took so long to update after the ownerid was tracked internally. It used to cause issues on my server due to the high entity count and constant corrupted save files.
  3. I do. The people love it. :) But honestly, in a forum where people are seeking assistance, this kind of comment is utterly useless. You are free to choose how you run your server and the modded community can run theirs how they want, and that's a great thing. Cheers!
    Make sure your players are NOT trying to place cupboards while the remove tool is activated. I have seen instances where a player has done this and they get stuck in "building blocked mode" where it says building blocked everywhere they go. So far the thing that works is to have the player run into the blocked zone of another player and then back out. That will normally free it up. In more stubborn cases I have found the player can suicide and then free it up.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2016
  4. Cant remove my own Cupboard - "You have no right to remove this"
     "Remove - Access - Allow CeilingLight Remove": true,
      "Remove - Access - Require Block Ownership": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use Building Owners": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use Friends & Require Ownership (Require Block Ownership must be true)": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use RustIO & BuildingOwners (Building Owners needs to be true)": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use ToolCupboards": false,
    Help fit it pls.
  5. You appear to have an outdated cfg file. Here is what it should look like. By the way if you copy this, you should know mine is set up for no pay and does not refund the mats. Make sure that's how you want yours set up.

      "GUI - Position - X Min": "0.1",
      "GUI - Position - Y Min": "0.65",
      "Message - Admin Override Disabled the Remover Tool": "The remover tool was disabled for the time being.",
      "Message - Cant Use Remove With Item": "You can't use the remover tool while you are holding an item",
      "Message - External Plugin Blocking Remove": "You are not allowed use the remover tool at the moment",
      "Message - Multiple Players Found": "Multiple players found",
      "Message - No Players Found": "No players found",
      "Message - No Rights To Remove This": "You have no rights to remove this",
      "Message - Not Allowed": "You are not allowed to use this command",
      "Message - Not Enough To Pay": "You don't have enough to pay for this remove",
      "Message - Nothing To Remove": "Couldn't find anything to remove. Are you close enough?",
      "Message - Raid Blocked": "RaidBlocker: You need to wait for {0}s before being allowed to remove again",
      "Message - Remover Tool Ended": "{0}: Remover Tool Deactivated",
      "Message - Target Remover Tool Ended": "The Remover Tool for {0} has ended",
      "Remove - Access - Use Building Owners": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use RustIO & BuildingOwners (Building Owners needs to be true)": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use ToolCupboards": true,
      "Remove - Auth - AuthLevel - Admin Commands": 1,
      "Remove - Auth - AuthLevel - Normal Remove": 0,
      "Remove - Auth - Permission - Admin Remove": "removertool.canremoveadmin",
      "Remove - Auth - Permission - All Remove": "removertool.canremoveall",
      "Remove - Auth - Permission - Normal Remove": "removertool.canremove",
      "Remove - Auth - Permission - Target Remove": "removertool.canremovetarget",
      "Remove - Default Time": 30,
      "Remove - Distance - Admin": 20,
      "Remove - Distance - All": 300,
      "Remove - Distance - Player": 3,
      "Remove - Max Remove Time": 120,
      "Remove - Pay": false,
      "Remove - Pay - Costs": {
        "0": {
          "wood": "1"
        "1": {
          "wood": "100"
        "2": {
          "stones": "150",
          "wood": "100"
        "3": {
          "metal fragments": "75",
          "stones": "50",
          "wood": "100"
        "4": {
          "high quality metal": "25",
          "metal fragments": "75",
          "stones": "350",
          "wood": "250"
        "deployable": {
          "wood": "50"
      "Remove - Pay - Deployables": false,
      "Remove - Pay - Structures": false,
      "Remove - RaidBlocker": true,
      "Remove - RaidBlocker - Radius To Block": 80,
      "Remove - RaidBlocker - Time To Block": 300,
      "Remove - Refund": true,
      "Remove - Refund - Deployables": true,
      "Remove - Refund - Percentage (Structures Only)": {
        "0": "100.0",
        "1": "80.0",
        "2": "60.0",
        "3": "40.0",
        "4": "20.0"
      "Remove - Refund - Structures": false
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2016
  6. I cant remove box and cupboard
  7. You need to have "Remove - Access - Use ToolCupboards": set to "true".
  8. Yes "Use ToolCupboards - True", i can remove wall, but no Cupboards and boxes
  9. Como Puedo Hacer Para Que Sólo Los propietarios pueden quitarlo ??? pls me AYUDE: ((
  10. Update new RemoveTools.cs - and all working fine, lol.
  11. as I can do so that only homeowners can remove it ???s
  12. So /remove works with toolcupboards set to true. But if people get access to cupboards, they can /remove. But if you set it to false, the /remove doesn't work. Here's my config:
    "Remove - Access - Use Building Owners": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use RustIO & BuildingOwners (Building Owners needs to be true)": true,
      "Remove - Access - Use ToolCupboards": false,
    Gyazo - 84e5edc87ca7bbddb722c7fb7d4f2700.png
  13. you can't remove any deployed entities without tool cupboards set to true.
  14. Thanks Reneb. Well they couldn't even remove a foundation/wall.
  15. it should work. i'll look into it
  16. I think I got it. Probably user error. Thanks reneb!
  17. How do i give access for everyuone to use this ?
  18. Code:
    string reason = "Не стоит так часто нажимать это, а то баном пахнет. Чуешь запах?!";
    lol ahhh the russian translation to english :p
  19. everytime i try an edit the config file i get this.
    (10:24:13) | [Oxide] 10:24 [Error] Failed to load plugin 'Remover' (no source found)

    (10:24:13) | [Oxide] 10:24 [Error] Failed to load plugin 'Tool' (no source found)
  20. That looks like you're doing "oxide.reload Remover Tool" (with a space) instead of RemoverTool (no space) ?