
Creates quests for players to go on to earn rewards, complete with a GUI menu

Total Downloads: 9,320 - First Release: May 31, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 11, 2018

5/5, 53 likes
  1. No problem :)
  2. I've had players ask me what the random typing was all about. but not everytime. depends on which part I'm entering I suppose.
  3. Can any tell me How add Bradley for the Qsuests?
  4. navigate to oxide/data/Quests/ folder and open quests_data.json there u add under Quest this as example:

          "Kill the BradleyAPC (Weekly)": {
            "QuestName": "Kill the BradleyAPC (Weekly)",
            "Description": "Kill the BradleyAPC ",
            "Objective": "bradleyapc",
            "ObjectiveName": "BradleyAPC",
            "AmountRequired": 2,
            "Cooldown": 7200,
            "ItemDeduction": false,
            "Rewards": [
                "isRP": false,
                "isCoins": true,
                "isHuntXP": false,
                "DisplayName": "Coins",
                "ShortName": null,
                "ID": 0,
                "Amount": 5000.0,
                "BP": false,
                "Skin": 0
    important is this line "Objective": "bradleyapc", the other u can edit how u wish
  5. Thanks you.. i wil try now :3
  6. Could you add NPCs to the kill objectives?
  7. This is a nice plugin, Is it possible to assign an npc from Human NPC - Core for Rust | Oxide to open the /q window and make people use the npc only.

    Update - Just realized this is more of a question for Human NPC but can't delete post.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2017
  8. good plugin - but how do we reset data on wipe or it will carry over
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2017
  9. hi, navigate to \oxide\data\Quests and delete quests_players.json
  10. plugin needs update since thursday update to work with economics reward.
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Quests with a new update entry:


  12. hi ,
    the crafting category is not related to Instacraft
  13. How to make a quest production for the server X10?
  14. count on the rewards of the x10 quests
  15. Where is it?
  16. When setting the quest, you can determine what should be given as a reward
  17. quests sort of doesnt work if u set a gather quest for 10x servers.
    Make a quest tell it u want them to collect say 10000 wood
    it counts the wood u get incorrectly.

    I gathered 26 k wood yet it registers it as me only gettign 4k odd

    I had to gather 63k wood just to get the 10k wood it required.
    I think it doesnt take into account Zlevels.
  18. Isn't register the critical hit in the new wood minigame.
  19. Awesome plugin! Love it. Just love it. Only problem i have is actually getting a use for it, would be very cool to assign certain quests to certain Npcs instead of them just being a more complicated way of typing /q, also maybe make requirements for quests? Like you have to buy a quest or that you have to have completed ex. Quest1 to accept Quest2. Cool concept! In my opinion it just needs some tweaking (;
  20. Can't seem to get the '/questnpc' command to assign a Quest Vendor, players can only access quests through the '/q' command and can turn them in through the GUI instead of through the Quest Vendors. I am trying to make quests ONLY accessible through Quest Vendors.

    Edit: Found that you have to enable it in the Config first, then to make quest vendors you have to access it through the "Delivery" quest option in the GUI.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2017