
Create portals allowing players to walk through to another location

Total Downloads: 3,736 - First Release: Jul 16, 2015 - Last Update: Nov 23, 2017

5/5, 17 likes
  1. I'm still getting that error and I got the 1.1.6 file.
  2. LaserHydra updated Portals with a new update entry:


  3. It's great work! Thank you!
  4. I loaded the latest portal update this morning and I am getting:

    Oxide Version: 2.0.1192, Rust Protocol: 1293

    > oxide.reload Portals
    [Oxide] 8:38 AM [Info] Unloaded plugin Portals v1.1.7 by LaserHydra
    [Oxide] 8:38 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Portals v1.1.7 by LaserHydra
    [Oxide] 8:38 AM [Error] Failed to call hook 'Loaded' on plugin 'Portals' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    [Oxide] 8:38 AM [Debug] at Oxide.Plugins.Portals.Loaded () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
    at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5. make sure that all of your Portals have the "Permission": "portals.use", set.
    Show me your config please
  6. that problem is FIXED - that was it. I just removed Portals and portals.json and started over. all works.

    NEW Question - how can I grant all users access to portals? do I need to add all users to portal.use group? that would be a pain. is there a way to have some portals without permissions or is there an all player option?
  7. portals.use is a PERMISSION not a GROUP. So. All Players are automaticly in the players group. so what you gonna do is:
    grant group player portals.use
    grant group moderator portals.use
    grant group admin portals.use
  8. I was just about to do that - my grey matter/coffee were not in sync yet.

    that worked - thanks.

    can I make VIP portals? I have some users that can use certain portals (VIP)
    ideally something like

    "airfield": {
    "EntranceX": -1128,
    "EntranceY": 21,
    "EntranceZ": -981,
    "ExitX": -524,
    "ExitY": 10,
    "ExitZ": -517,
    "OneWay": "true",
    "Permission": "portals.vip", OR
    "Permission": "VIPGroup",
    "Radius": 2
  9. just change the permission, and give your VIPs the permission. or create a VIP Group and add the permission and players to it
  10. Ok, so when I put Portals.CS under Plugins.. Shouldn't it make a file in the config folder?
  11. When I create a portal that has no exit and I use it. I end up at a strange location with a floating portal.
  12. Yes it should but your server must be running also..
  13. yes, the standard coordinated are at 0, 0, 0. You need to set an exit
  14. LaserHydra,
    Just I saw you on my server just that. Portals are at the airport. I wanted to show you how I used your work, but you're slick quickly left the server. The plugin works great. Thanks again!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2015
  15. Imma come back, wait there :D
    What was your server again?
    Was just looking around a little bit on some servers
  16. check out my server F1 and client.connect operationrust.com we have setup several portals that are all 1 way to "Rust Town" we have a couple of VIP Portals that require you to be server member/patron/helper to get access to.

    So I have a FEATURE request:
    can we have permissions setup for entrance and exit? I want to have it so folks can use portals mostly in one direction but need other group permission to use the other direction.
  17. ok I think that will work
  18. Hello sir!

    Seems like a bug with auth cupboards.
    Entrance and exit have cupboards (authorize only for me).
    After teleport I have "Building Privilege" all over the map, so other players have "Building Blocked" and can't build anywhere (event in their own houses).
    Solution is player's death. After it - everything is ok (until next use portals)

    Does anyone have such problems? Or can someone test it?

  19. wow wtf, I don't see a reason for this to happen. Show me please...
  20. Oh, if you can test it now - join RBGaming.ru:28015
    I'll teleport you to portal's location.

    /Before yesterday update everything was ok.