
Create portals allowing players to walk through to another location

Total Downloads: 3,761 - First Release: Jul 16, 2015 - Last Update: Nov 23, 2017

5/5, 17 likes
  1. well. See if you have a config for this plugin in the config file.
  2. yes i do have config and portal file in config

    here is info of that file

    "Effects": {
    "Enabled": "true",
    "FX": "weapons/vm_rocket_launcher/pfx_fire_rocket_smokeout",
    "Height": "2.5",
    "Spacing": "0.2"
    "PresetPortal": {
    "EntranceX": 0,
    "EntranceY": 0,
    "EntranceZ": 0,
    "ExitX": 0,
    "ExitY": 10,
    "ExitZ": 0,
    "OneWay": "false",
    "Permission": "portals.use",
    "Radius": 2
    "TeleportTimer": 10
  3. Hey Hydra,

    I got some weird reports from players loosing health or even bleeding to death before they "wake" up from the teleport.
    Tested it without godmode and well, I died during the teleport out from my camp, text onla said "bled to death".

    However, when teleport was activated, I saw the world for a second and it looked like my char is falling through the terrain and landing in the water below drowning, then screen went black for loading. Woke up dead at the correct position. If I can call that to wake up :D

    I wonder how we can avoid that, my ferry system should be a help for the players and no death trap ^^
    If you wanna test it, server IP is on first page of steam group, link in my signature.
    I'll be online a few hours and test stuff and backup buildings for the next wipe.

    Kind Regards
  4. I've seen that. Also on other test with the main teleportation, people seem to loose health. Im not really sure what causes that, Does that also happen with the Teleportation plugin? If not imma see what was done in there to avoid that
  5. Actually no, that only happens with portals, at least I never noticed anything like that and i port around a lot.
    Also players only reported from my ferry system to be dangerous :/

    Kind Regards
  6. thanks for the info. Ill see what he has done to avoid that.
  7. LaserHydra updated Portals with a new update entry:


  8. LaserHydra updated Portals with a new update entry:


  9. I love the portals <3
    Now NEW on RUSTafari:
    The Island Metro ^^

    See Facebook post for images:

    Can't wait for the mandatory wipe so I can recreate and redesign the harbor and the ferry system, many thanks for your support Hydra, I really appreciate it!

    Kind Regards
  10. and what happens exactly when you try to use the commands? Does just happen nothing? or do you recieve something like "You don't have permission to use this command"
  11. Jumping in here, question incoming:
    Would it be possible to setup a line in the cfg to change the icon showed in front of the Teleport messages? :)
    Managed to change Prefix and color so far, only the rust standard icon is still misplaced and I want to add my server's logo in front (yeah I got a steam user ID for that).

    Would be cool :)

  12. This takes the Steam Icon from the set steamId.
  13. with my current code, it does not work. I may add the possibibllity for it
  14. @PaiN
    I know that thread and I already set up my own Steam user with my RUSTafari Logo, notifier and deathnotes are already showing my "server logo" when broadcasting messages.
    But as I am no coder, only able to edit properly, i didn't find any ID to change in the portals plugin to enable my custom logo, thats why I asked here to implement the setting in the config so it can be changed on demand :)

    Thanks, that would be cool :)
  15. I have used a stargate with the portal. I tried to think of anything we had to use so the portal would be more realistic. I remember seeing these awesome crystals (not the kind you harvest) that glow with a really cool soft light. Is that a possibility?

    My portal: http://i.imgur.com/YIN186P.png
  16. no, sadly those are done with the world generation and can not be build manually or by plugin. Looks nice :)
    If you mean the particles of these Crystals, you may be able to use them.
  17. Nice idea with SG :)

  18. yes! That's what I mean. Can you do that?
    Thanks! :) Your Rustafari is a really cool idea! Nice work...
    I am using the stargate portal to go to the top of my Spaceland Skydive tower - uh... to jump off :)

    My jump: http://rustieshack.net/index_htm_files/2561.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2015
  19. spammed in my console.
    [8/6/2015 8:36:41 PM] StringPool.GetNumber - no number for string fx/weapons/vm_rocket_launcher/pfx_fire_rocket_smokeout
    [8/6/2015 8:36:41 PM] StringPool.GetNumber - no number for string fx/weapons/vm_rocket_launcher/pfx_fire_rocket_smokeout
    Its the same even without Oxide installed
  20. For your Information:

    With the new server-update from today, I got spammed an error message about the smoke.fx, couldn't copy paste it as Rusty was spammed with the message and it refreshed every time. This kept the server from starting properly, it didn't show up in the server browser.

    Deleted all plugin data from portals and the server is running stable now again.

    Kind Regards