
Create portals allowing players to walk through to another location

Total Downloads: 3,736 - First Release: Jul 16, 2015 - Last Update: Nov 23, 2017

5/5, 17 likes
  1. I recommend using your steamID
    Go into the config file, find the Portal, delete it. Save the Config
  2. I also tried:

    oxide.group add portals.admin
    oxide.usergroup add 76561198120396134 portals.admin

    and I get no permission when I type "/portal"
    [DOUBLEPOST=1437089164][/DOUBLEPOST]and I did do an oxide.reload *
  3. Overview Overview and one more time Overview.

    Permissions (Oxide permissions):

    Does it says Oxide GROUPS ?

    oxide.grant user Quicken portals.admin
  4. Hey PaiN you don't have to be an asshole about it.
  5. I'm not. Just read carefully... thats why we write the Overviews...
  6. Could you add a command to delete Portals please ?
  7. yea, but that thread was a bit unfriendly when read. Please stay friendly and kind ;)
    I will! in the next update!
    The next update will be a bigger one propably. Just waiting for something, then im going to release that update
  8. plz add command to remove portal
  9. ------
  10. Permissions are work - sorry I did not read it was not a group.


    1. Does the timer (10 seconds default) also apply to admins? it seems to.
    2. There does not seem to be a message saying "Portal timer has not expired, NN seconds left". can that be supported?
    3. at an exit portal, was able to run into the exit and go into the player sleep mode over and over. does this make sense?
  11. 1. Yes, because the timer is not there to restrict usage. Its used so you wont instantly get teleported back after you got teleported.
    2. Yes, planning that with a GUI
    3. I dun understand what you mean with that
  12. for #3. I can't seem to replicate. I think I had the Entrance and exit at same location.

    Is it possible if you create an a portal entrance/exit and not the other half that you can go into the portal and just return to same spot? I think that was what happened.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1437147187][/DOUBLEPOST]what are the portal dimensions? I am thinking of creating an arch (startrek) that is basically one wall opening.
  13. Probably in your Config File
  14. yes it was, thanks. it is fixed.

    I also created an arch like Star Trek, it seems the portal enter/exit fits nicely inside a one wall high area.
  15. Never played Star Trek .. but it sounds interesting.
  16. I done 4 portal entrance for one exit in safe zone, working perfectly but :

    When i use Fly plugin and i hit space for view a player, it teleport me with [portals] prefix, like i used a portal
  17. Update incoming TODAY. Im working on Particle effects currently. You guys got any ideas which Particles of the game you would like for portals?
  18. What are these Particle effects ?
  19. Particles effects are for example the smoke of a flying rocket, or fire
  20. Looking forward to a visual representation of the portal, less commands the better