
Create portals allowing players to walk through to another location

Total Downloads: 3,764 - First Release: Jul 16, 2015 - Last Update: Nov 23, 2017

5/5, 17 likes
  1. i also tried to use different FX , Can it be that from some fx you get Massive laggs when u logged in a amount of time?
  2. If you're only experiencing fps drops in the areas of the portals that could be the case, and I'd recommend trying another visual prefab.
    If you're experiencing the drops outside of visual range of the effects that is a general known Rust issue, and happens on vanilla servers as well. Restarting the client fixes it most of the time.
  3. Rewriting this is on my list. I have some ideas for improvements already.
  4. i 've make my portal but nothing, is he working ?
    oups sorry, it work but no FX...
  5. Is there a way to cover a large surface when setting a teleport? For example covering a 5x5 foundation setup with just 1 teleport with the entrance at the top of the foundations along the X axis, instead of radius which seems to be spherical.
  6. Currently you can only increase the radius, which is a spherical calculation.
  7. Is there a way to view the spherical radius? rather then guessing :p
  8. can anyone tell me why im getting this error

    [Oxide] 21:29 [Info] Loaded plugin Portals v1.3.3 by LaserHydra
    [Oxide] 21:29 [Error] Failed to initialize plugin 'Portals v1.3.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    [Oxide] 21:29 [Debug] at Oxide.Plugins.Portals.Loaded () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.Portals.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Oxide] 21:29 [Info] Unloaded plugin Portals v1.3.3 by LaserHydra
  9. might be a corrupt configfile.
  10. I had to make two separate oneway portals (Entrance at point A and Exit at point B then again, Enterance at point B and Exit at Point A) because I would then be bouncing back and forth without my will. The only way out was to noclip as soon as I teleported, making it impossible for a normal player to use properly. So, once I manged to get those two oneway portals from each end, players get damaged/hit/hurt/ on every teleport. What am I doing wrong? D:
  11. for some reason i keep getting you dont have permission to use commands
    i have tried in chat and in rcon portals.admin .portals.use i try /portal set portal1 entrance and get the same permission not to use command any help pls ?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460432592][/DOUBLEPOST]is this for EU servers only ?
  12. i think
    if(DisEntrance < Convert.ToInt32(Config[portalName, "Radius"]))
                            if(!permission.UserHasPermission(uid, Config[portalName, "Permission"].toString()))
                                SendChatMessage(current, "PORTALS", "You are not allowed to use this portal!");
                            }                        SendChatMessage(current,"PORTALS", "Teleported!");
                            ForcePlayerPosition(current, Exit);
                        else if (DisExit < Convert.ToInt32(Config[portalName, "Radius"]) && Config[portalName, "OneWay"].ToString() == "false")
                            if(!permission.UserHasPermission(uid, Config[portalName, "Permission"].toString()))
                                SendChatMessage(current, "PORTALS", "You are not allowed to use this portal!");
                            }                        SendChatMessage(current,"PORTALS", "Teleported!");
                            ForcePlayerPosition(current, Entrance);
    should be like this
    if(DisEntrance < Convert.ToInt32(Config[portalName, "Radius"]))
                            if(!permission.UserHasPermission(uid, Config[portalName, "Permission"]))
                                SendChatMessage(current, "PORTALS", "You are not allowed to use this portal!");
                            }                        SendChatMessage(current,"PORTALS", "Teleported!");
                            ForcePlayerPosition(current, Exit);
                        else if (DisExit < Convert.ToInt32(Config[portalName, "Radius"]) && Config[portalName, "OneWay"].ToString() == "false")
                            if(!permission.UserHasPermission(uid, Config[portalName, "Permission"]))
                                SendChatMessage(current, "PORTALS", "You are not allowed to use this portal!");
                            }                        SendChatMessage(current,"PORTALS", "Teleported!");
                            ForcePlayerPosition(current, Entrance);
    is UserHasPermission a Boolean? why toString() ?whatever i gant permission ,i can't portals
    ,but when i change the code it worked ,sorry for my bad english..thanks for reply !

    Attached Files:

  13. If you didn't see, .ToString is used on the Config value and not on the boolean. Its used to convert the config value which is of type object, to string.
    I doubt that that changed fixed any issues. It would normally cause issues as it expects a string and not an object. Most likely it would have fixed issues because it was reloaded when you changed it. So more likely a reload fixed your issue (whatever your issue was)
    No, Plugins are not country blocked in any way. If this works on one server, it should work on every one, no matter where its located at.
  14. Thanks for reply ,i find my the reason,i recently install batter chat plugins...that change my group ,anyway,thanks to reply! sorry my bad english
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2016
  15. Any way to have multiple exits for one entrance? players would spawn at a random exit in the list something like this /portal set Portal1 exit 1
  16. (01:05:32) | [Oxide] 01:05 [Error] Portals plugin failed to compile!

    (01:05:32) | [Oxide] 01:05 [Error] Portals.cs(97,140): error CS1061: Type `string' does not contain a definition for `ToFloat' and no extension method `ToFloat' of type `string' could be found. Are you missing `Facepunch.Extend' using directive?

    Since update
  17. You need to add this line to the top of the plugin file.
    using Facepunch.Extend;
  18. Thanks a lot man !
  19. For some reason after adding the plugin and adding a portal, the next time the portal loads I get this
    Previous version of plugin failed to load: Portals
  20. Please add random exits to spawns database file!