Player Ranks

Player ranks and stats database

Total Downloads: 4,866 - First Release: Mar 4, 2017 - Last Update: May 29, 2018

5/5, 19 likes
  1. Might be nice if you answered the question. :p
    Looking for someone to confirm that that very thing works.
  2. Fire me a PM if you're interested, please. I don't have an active server with players. :)
  3. This is a very nice plugin my players really like it thank you.

    See it in action if you like :) -
  4. Thanks for the post!
    Sitting on a new version with some very nice changes...Stay tuned. ;)
  5. Awesome! Can't wait
  6. cant wait :)
  7. Code:
    (18:30:03) | MySql handle raised an exception (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.EndExecuteNonQuery (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00022] in <8d7380b3d3cf4bd8be324c584f371b44>:0
      at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.EndExecuteNonQuery(System.IAsyncResult)
      at Oxide.Core.MySql.Libraries.MySql+MySqlQuery.Handle () [0x000f2] in <d97e5b2e8bfd4176b069113c01be7d84>:0
    I assume I've just made a simple mistake with my mysql? but i'm not sure!
  8. Hi @vMetzey
    Has it been working reliably and threw this error out of the blue, or is this you setting up for the first time?
  9. Had PlayerRanks for ages, but only just added the database.
    Reloaded the plugin, it unloaded and re loaded, followed by this error.
    It still has logged all the data in the database like I would of expected.
    Not tried another reload to see if it pops up again yet but can do if you'd like?
  10. Sure, why not. :p

    Just be careful to allow plenty of time for the save to complete, before unloading/reload again.

    Saving several hundred records, the way the plugin is now, could take several seconds.
    This is rectified in the new unreleased version.
  11. Still shows it after another reload.

    EDIT: I simply just type oxide.reload PlayerRanks to reload it.
  12. Hm, OK. Thanks.
    If the records are getting saved down successfully I'm tempted to just leave it alone.
    I've more or less re-written PR recently with full clan support, SQL total overhaul, and a full top30 leaderboard that shows all categories
    with pages next/previous and clickable headers to sort by category.

    If it causes any problem or anything like that let me know.
    If not, just ignore for the time being?
  13. Not a problem. Just thought I'd let you know as it's an error of course:) I can wait for the new revised version. Any ideas on when that will be released?
  14. Honestly, probably not for a good while.
    I'm calling it V2 but I'm tempted to do a 1.3.8 with the SQL fixes in the meantime.

    I didn't realise performance was so bad until someone send me a 2k records data file.
    It took about 40 seconds to save completely.
    New setup takes under a second, as it should.

    edit: ...and thank you^^.
  15. Hi all,

    When I install this mod on my server, should it generate a Config File? As I have installed it but there is no config file.

  16. Yes, it should.
    Double check your plugins folder, and watch console/rcon when you're installing plugs.
    That'll give you confirmation.
  17. So I use multiplay servers so the add ons are already listed and we just add them to the server and it installs automatically. One of the Support guys and it seems the version we have is stuck. It pulls it direct from Oxide but we are stuck on 1.1.6. Is there anything you know of that could cause this?

  18. Post edited: Just thinking, in some circumstances a plugin can fail to load and roll-back to previously installed version.
    It may be worth having your config, data, and lang PlayerRanks.jsons deleted then trying the install again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2018
  19. Is there anything from not having to manually wipe it when server wipes?
  20. There isn't, no, but it's one click (or two for SQL) in the admin panel.