Player Challenges

Allows titles to be set when certain criteria are met, with a UI Leader board

Total Downloads: 5,643 - First Release: Nov 11, 2015 - Last Update: May 5, 2018

5/5, 20 likes
  1. I've suddenly started getting this issue when using /pc

    Failed to call hook 'cmdPC' on plugin 'PlayerChallenges v2.0.10' (ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.)
      at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Int32].Add (System.String key, Int32 value) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.PlayerChallenges.GetLeaders (Challenges type) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.PlayerChallenges.AddMenuStats (Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiElementContainer& MenuElement, System.String panel, Challenges type, Single left, Single bottom, Single right, Single top) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.PlayerChallenges.CreateMenuContents (.BasePlayer player, Int32 page) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.PlayerChallenges.CreateMenu (.BasePlayer player) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.PlayerChallenges.cmdPC (.BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.PlayerChallenges.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0 
    Any ideas how to fix it?

    Edit: Fixed it by updating to latest version, didn't realise it was outdated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2017
  2. /pc commands only WORK for me (ADMIN) why??? How can I put to all players!!!??
  3. Do you have the default config
  4. Yes default config!!!!
  5. no reason why it should not work as it does not use permissions
  6. No one can use, only me "admin"..... can u help me?
  7. I too have the same issue on our server we been using this plugin for 7 months now and no issues at all but now the /pc is not working and if it does it will stay on the screen and wont close leaving the player with no choice but to relog
  8. @~SGC~Clipper01745 make sure to download the latest version of this plugin, thats how I fixed mine.
  9. I have the answer for you if you still need.
    -Fishloki91 (server owner)
  10. I'm having the same problem as of last Thursdays update. Anytime ANYONE types /pc in chat it pulls up a blank list and cannot close out. Have to DC and RC to clear. I'm on the latest version.
  11. *suggestion. Making a fail-safe so players can't farm kills (like their alt accounts/friends) would be nice.

    Max # of same player kills before they don't count: 5
    Within (minutes): 60
  12. An easier way would be for friends (API/IO) and clans to have a config option to switch true/false
  13. i use to use that but that doesn't make a difference if they just unfriend that person. for example i had one 'seemingly random player' kept dying to the same person. But actually it was an friend that just kept tp'ing and running back to get killed just so the killer could have his tags. They weren't even steam friends
  14. Sneaky, sneaky... I know @nivex came up with a really good checker to combat this in his duellist plugin. Perhaps a similar check could be used with this... Them stat padders need a swift slap!
  15. Code:
            private readonly int constructionMask = LayerMask.GetMask("Construction", "Deployed");        public bool IsAllied(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target)
                if (player.IsAdmin && target.IsAdmin)
                    return false;            return IsInSameClan(player, target) || IsAuthorizing(player, target) || IsBunked(player, target) || IsCodeAuthed(player, target) || IsInSameBase(player, target);
            }        private bool IsInSameClan(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) // 1st method
                if (player.displayName.StartsWith("[") && player.displayName.Contains("]"))
                    if (target.displayName.StartsWith("[") && target.displayName.Contains("]"))
                        string playerClan = player.displayName.Substring(0, player.displayName.IndexOf("]"));
                        string targetClan = target.displayName.Substring(0, target.displayName.IndexOf("]"));                    return playerClan == targetClan;
                }            return false;
            }        private bool IsAuthorizing(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) // 2nd method. thanks @psychotea for the linq suggestion
                return player.buildingPrivilege.Any(x => x.IsAuthed(target)) || target.buildingPrivilege.Any(x => x.IsAuthed(player));
            }        private bool IsBunked(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) // 3rd method. thanks @i_love_code for helping with this too
                var targetBags = SleepingBag.FindForPlayer(target.userID, true);            if (targetBags.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var pbag in SleepingBag.FindForPlayer(player.userID, true))
                        if (targetBags.Any(tbag => Vector3.Distance(pbag.transform.position, tbag.transform.position) < 25f))
                            return true;            return false;
            }        private bool IsCodeAuthed(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) // 4th method. nice and clean linq
                foreach (var codelock in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Where(e => e != null && e is CodeLock).Cast<CodeLock>())
                    if (codelock.whitelistPlayers.Any(id => id == player.userID))
                        if (codelock.whitelistPlayers.Any(id => id == target.userID))
                            return true;
                }            return false;
            }        private bool IsInSameBase(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) // 5th method
                bool _sharesBase = false; // to free the pooled lists            foreach (var priv in player.buildingPrivilege)
                    var colliders = Pool.GetList<Collider>();
                    Vis.Colliders(priv.transform.position, 25f, colliders, constructionMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);                foreach (var collider in colliders)
                        var entity = collider.GetComponent<BaseEntity>();                    if (!entity)
                            continue;                    if (entity.OwnerID == target.userID)
                            _sharesBase = true;
                    }                Pool.FreeList(ref colliders); // free it.                if (_sharesBase)
                        return true;
                }            foreach (var priv in target.buildingPrivilege)
                    var colliders = Pool.GetList<Collider>();
                    Vis.Colliders(priv.transform.position, 25f, colliders, constructionMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);                foreach (var collider in colliders)
                        var entity = collider.GetComponent<BaseEntity>();                    if (!entity)
                            continue;                    if (entity.OwnerID == player.userID)
                            _sharesBase = true;
                    }                Pool.FreeList(ref colliders);
                }            return _sharesBase;
  16. There you go see :) TY @nivex :D
  17. installed like i would every other plugin, /pc "unknown command:pc" any reason this might be?
    here is my .json
    "ChallengeSettings": {
    "AnimalKills": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 5,
    "Title": "Hunter",
    "UIPosition": 0
    "ArrowKills": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 11,
    "Title": "Archer",
    "UIPosition": 1
    "BladeKills": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 9,
    "Title": "BladeKillsman",
    "UIPosition": 16
    "ClothesCrafted": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 19,
    "Title": "Tailor",
    "UIPosition": 3
    "ExplosivesThrown": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 10,
    "Title": "Bomb-tech",
    "UIPosition": 4
    "Headshots": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 1,
    "Title": "Assassin",
    "UIPosition": 5
    "MeleeKills": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 3,
    "Title": "Fighter",
    "UIPosition": 8
    "PlantsGathered": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 17,
    "Title": "Harvester",
    "UIPosition": 9
    "PlayersHealed": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 18,
    "Title": "Medic",
    "UIPosition": 6
    "PlayersKilled": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 2,
    "Title": "Murderer",
    "UIPosition": 7
    "PVEKillDistance": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 6,
    "Title": "Deadshot",
    "UIPosition": 10
    "PVPKillDistance": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 4,
    "Title": "Sniper",
    "UIPosition": 11
    "QuestsCompleted": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Priority": 20,
    "Title": "Adventurer",
    "UIPosition": 19
    "RevolverKills": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 7,
    "Title": "Gunslinger",
    "UIPosition": 13
    "RocketsFired": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 8,
    "Title": "Rocketeer",
    "UIPosition": 14
    "RocksGathered": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 16,
    "Title": "Miner",
    "UIPosition": 15
    "StructuresBuilt": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 12,
    "Title": "Architect",
    "UIPosition": 2
    "StructuresRepaired": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 13,
    "Title": "Handyman",
    "UIPosition": 12
    "WeaponsCrafted": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 14,
    "Title": "Gunsmith",
    "UIPosition": 17
    "WoodGathered": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 15,
    "Title": "Lumberjack",
    "UIPosition": 18
    "Colors": {
    "MSG_ColorMain": "orange",
    "MSG_ColorMsg": "#939393",
    "TitleColor": "#88E188"
    "Options": {
    "AnnounceNewLeaders": true,
    "IgnoreAdmins": true,
    "IgnoreEventKills": true,
    "IgnoreSleepers": false,
    "IgnoreSupplySignals": true,
    "IgnoreSurveyCharges": true,
    "MaximumTags": 3,
    "SaveTimer": 600,
    "TagFormat": "[{TAG}]",
    "UpdateTimer": 168,
    "UseBetterChat": true,
    "UseOxideGroups": false,
    "UseUpdateTimer": false
  18. even downloading the plugin and deleting the old file doesn't work, help please!
  19. u can try mine.

    • make sure to remove plugin file-config and data then re download pc to make sure u have the corect vertion and put it back in the plugin section!
    • download my .json put it in config section.
    • then /reload PlayerChallenges.
    • also if u have better chat make sure to enable player tagging
    • tip also u can drag your .json file in your message insted ov putting the hole code in!

    Attached Files:

  20. Have this Error:

    (09:20:17) | Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'PlayerChallenges v2.0.2' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2017