

Total Downloads: 5,416 - First Release: Jun 17, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 11, 2017

4.77778/5, 18 likes
  1. Wulf, chests doesn't works...
  2. so I put in the console oxide.grant group admin masterkey.all and oxide.grant user (my ID) masterkey.all and it won't give me access in areas with tool cupboards still.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Is it an area with multiple cupboards? Did you verify oxide.groups.json and oxide.users.json have the permissions?
  4. Code:
    "LastSeenNickname": "Derren001",
        "Perms": [
        "Groups": [
      "admin": {
        "Title": "Admin",
        "Rank": 0,
        "Perms": [
        "ParentGroup": null
    From the Oxide users and group file, and even with just 1 cupboard it still won't work. I also ran both files through to check for errors and both are good.
  5. it could be that u gave redundant permissions remove the

    all covers them all...
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That shouldn't matter, it'd still return as true.
  7. Then idk all permission files look good
  8. So, doesn't works. Why?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I will look once I get a chance.
  10. hey wulf just wondering if you found any ways at all to make this work better when someone has heaps of tool cupboards in one area it seems to go crazy sometimes and i have to keep flying back and forth to get privileges and if possible to fix it for large wood box code locks would be great as this is working again now
  11. he's only one woof! give him time!
  12. Really love this mod, but it wont let me open locked boxes. I can open doors and i get building privilege.
    used oxide.grant user crytec maskerkey.all and even tried masterkey.boxes.
  13. yah they dont work
  14. Tried it on one thing so far, and it was Traps and it didn't allow me to remove it. Told me I needed to be Authorized on all Cupboards even though it said building was authorized.
  15. If you are admin why are u using /remove type /remove admin

    It is only to give u access to build not to remove
  16. I am getting a warning message how can I solve it?
    MasterKey plugin is using deprecated hook: CanOpenDoor
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It'll be fixed in my next version, but it isn't causing any issues.
  18. Ok thank you wulf
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Master Key with a new update entry:
