1. its from around a month ago
  2. Different issues when this thread was created. Thread has been brought back to life.
  3. It isn`t solved tho.
  4. Same here, can't connect to my server right now
  5. The previous problem WAS solved.
  6. It'll probably be fixed by tomorrow. No worries.
  7. I'm having the same issues also, and from what I've read their is no actual fix to it just have to wait till the devs fix it themselves?
  8. Give it a few hours, its 3AM in London.
  9. thank god its not my game i was ready to uninstall my rust you all saved me from that thx so when steam fix's it we need just wait it out i guess okay i even validated my files they were clean so i know it wasn't my files
  10. If anyone has a work-around please let me know. happening for almost an hour now and large server owners aren't sharing their secret. pm me please
  11. This is an issue with EAC, it's nothing to do with your servers.

    However you can simply prevent the kicks from happening by setting "server.secure" to false in your RCON.

    This will turn off ALL anticheat protection on your server as well as Rust not showing your server on the server browser. It's whatever you class as more important really.

    People being able to join and play on your server, or have no anticheat and not be listed on the server browser.
  12. how about for our clients just joining servers that arent ours
  13. They wouldn't be able to see your server in the browser, so that wouldn't happen.

    But for the people who are already connected to your server or have your server favorited, they will be fine. :)
  14. i mean im trying to connect to servers and im still getting kicked by the eac bad connection, not my own server
  15. Ah, then you would have to get in contact with that servers owner/admin and ask them to put "server.secure false" into their RCON, or just link them this thread.
  16. alright thanks
  17. happening to me too, what's going on
  18. same, it's problem of rust, not server, waiting.. usually this temporary so always
  19. its happening to me on my server too.. i cant play for more than about a minute before it kicks me for : EAC:Bad Autentication