
Send players to jail

Total Downloads: 6,966 - First Release: Jan 29, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 29, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. hi

    I have a problem. the "expiretime" does not work .. the prisoners are in jail indefinitely.
    even by writing 60 (second) in the jail_data.json file is written ( "expireTime" 1461919667, )

    thank' for your help
  2. Hey Reneb, there is a minor error in the script which refers to the ResourceID.
    Assigned value = 1649 (which belongs to Bounty), I believe it should = 794
  3. I am having an issue. When someone logs off the server then reconnects they get released from the jail even though they have time left. Why is this?

  4. I am having the same problem. Is there a fix out for expire time?
  5. problem fixed

    Attached Files:

    • Jail.cs
      File size:
      39.1 KB
  6. I am typing /jail send (player) (90) (JAIL NAME) expire time not working for me
  7. download the file I put in my reply
  8. I downloaded yours, it worked once. Now I have to free whoever I place in jail.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  9. Hello! I download the plugin but i got a question if someone can make this if possible? I got the infobar ect all customized but now i want to make when ur in jail u see a timer in the bar is that possible?
  10. I'm also not able to get the timer to always work .. it worked once only.

    Thanks for any help..
  11. Which plugin where u using?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1463663147][/DOUBLEPOST]Any plugin developor here? I want that people can join the zone like "players can visist the people in jail at they're cells.. Hope a dev can make it fix for me !
  12. try removing the plugin, the json file in the config file and the data file, then reinstall the plugin.
    we must change the eject option to false

    /Zone_edit Jail1
    /Zone eject false

    players will return to the prison to visit
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  13. Okay I remove Data file Plugin file and config file. I send someone to jail they /jail to see time left. Timer run out their still in jail. The only way their able to get out on there own is doing /jail after timer runs out. Is this not automatically done now?

    error: [Oxide] 17:17 [Error] Failed to run a 5.00 timer in 'Jail v3.0.62' (ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.)
  14. Is there a GUI Jail timer?
  15. hi
    I fix the bug quickly, there are other errors that I do not know but for me his works. I liberate automatically at the end of prison time.
    its still tinkering until the developer fixed all bug.
    I give you the file so you can try again.

    Attached Files:

    • Jail.cs
      File size:
      39.1 KB
  16. Is it possible for someone to make that there is a HumanNPC where u can pay bail with the Economics plugin?
  17. Yo, i'm getting an issue on my server. I had a jail and i jailed myself to test it, it worked then i removed the jail and all that and i forgot to free myself. I've tried so many things trying to fix it and now im stuck in god mode. another one of my friends has the same issue and i cant fix it. So if ur able to can u send me step by step on fixing this thanks.
  18. un
    Hello try to unload your plugin, then delete all jail data (in config and data folder) and reload your plugin, i think u 'll respawn randomly on the map.
  19. [Oxide] 21:25 [Error] Failed to call hook 'cmdJail' on plugin 'Jail v3.0.62' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

    I am getting this error when I do /jail zone. could someone tell me a fix
  20. I'm having the same issue with the jail timer. I downloaded the modded file that was just posted but havent had a chance to check it so hopefully that works.

    On a more important issue though....im testing this on myself (and i know the jail door codes). When im in jail and exit the jail zone it says im not allowed to leave but dont get teleported back. Is that because im an admin? would regular people get teleported? or is it a glitch?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1464678912][/DOUBLEPOST]Also would it be possible to assign different kits to different prisons?