1. After updating oxide, removing the rust.dll and updating 1 plugin, this is the only red line I see:

    ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  2. Updated oxide today and now no plugins compile, deleted the file oxide.game.rust.dll but no go:

    [10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3583...[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loading extensions...[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Latest compiler MD5: 5fbca0bf39b1c09ddf2fb3686b869242[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Local compiler MD5: 5fbca0bf39b1c09ddf2fb3686b869242[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loading plugins...[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Plugin compilation is already queued: ClansUI (8.952 ago)[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Plugin compilation is already queued: PlayerRankings (8.859 ago)[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Cleanup file: D:\xxgames\JamesD1\16225\RustDedicated_Data\Managed\Oxide.Core.CSharp.dll[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Cleanup file: D:\xxgames\JamesD1\16225\RustDedicated_Data\Managed\Oxide.Core.MySql.dll[10/20/2017 00:34:33] Cleanup file: D:\xxgames\JamesD1\16225\RustDedicated_Data\Managed\Oxide.Core.SQLite.dll[10/20/2017 00:34:33] WebSocket RCon Started on 28056[10/20/2017 00:34:36] [2.6s] Loading World[10/20/2017 00:34:50] [14.1s] Spawning World[10/20/2017 00:34:53] [3.0s] Terrain Mesh[10/20/2017 00:34:56] [2.9s] Wire Meshes[10/20/2017 00:34:56] [6.0s] Procedural Generation[10/20/2017 00:34:57] Map Spawned 380 entities[10/20/2017 00:35:01] Destroying 398 old entities[10/20/2017 00:35:01]     done.[10/20/2017 00:35:10] Spawning 114701 entities[10/20/2017 00:35:12]     33184 / 114701[10/20/2017 00:35:14]     72004 / 114701[10/20/2017 00:35:16]     done.[10/20/2017 00:35:16] Enforcing SpawnPopulation Limits[10/20/2017 00:35:24]     done.[10/20/2017 00:35:26] Initializing 116513 entity links[10/20/2017 00:35:28]     34117 / 116513[10/20/2017 00:35:30]     36549 / 116513[10/20/2017 00:35:32]     110215 / 116513[10/20/2017 00:35:32]     done.[10/20/2017 00:35:32] Initializing 11331 stability supports[10/20/2017 00:35:32]     done.[10/20/2017 00:35:32] Initializing 10766 conditional models[10/20/2017 00:35:33]     done.[10/20/2017 00:35:35] Initializing 114701 entity save caches[10/20/2017 00:35:36]     done.[10/20/2017 00:35:37] Connected to Steam[10/20/2017 00:35:37] Server startup complete[10/20/2017 00:35:42] BradleyAPC Spawned at :(460.4, 20.0, -712.7)
    Server starts as vanilla :/
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That error can be ignored, shouldn't be causing any issues.
  4. Code:
    Error while compiling: lol.cs(4770,9): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings' is defined multiple times
  5. Is there another dll we can remove as a fix for the Json error?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    A 'fix' for that is mentioned in my previous posts.
  7. I get this after oxide update today...

    (17:40:40) | Reference Oxide.Core.CSharp.dll from Oxide.Game.Rust.dll not found
    (17:40:40) | Error while compiling: BotSpawn.cs(24,22): error CS0433: The imported type `Oxide.Plugins.RustPlugin' is defined multiple times
  8. ok so far its working on the plugin cs files witht he change but some dont have //using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; so would this mean the plugin needs a update
  9. Wulf said in an earlier reply that you should remove the "// Reference: Newtonsoft.Json" at the top of any plugins that don't load
  10. No, removing the references does not fix all json issues. ;)
  11. Even after removing the reference line, multiple of my plugins are still not loading
  12. What fixed it for me on Two servers.

    Removing Managed folder in RustDedicated_Data/Managed.
    Update the server. It will recreate a new Managed folder.
    Extract oxide and replace files.

    Started server, No Errors as of yet. (We have 33 plugins running on both server)
  13. Well, for example:

    66 Tipster - Failed to compile: Tipster.cs(1,255+): error CS0433: The imported
    type `Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings' is defined multiple times

    using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Network; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Rust; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Configuration; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using UnityEngine;
  14. Personally I just decided to nuke the whole server and start over. Hopefully this fixes everything lol.
  15. So is there another update coming? My hosts refuse to do any of these fixes..
  16. Oxide isn't loading and I am with a server company that does let you remove oxide. Is there any other fixes? No plugins are loading
  17. Oxide won't load the plugins on my updated server, Running latest Rust Patch and Latest Oxide Patch

    [10/19/2017 18:42:02] Server Config Loaded
    [10/19/2017 18:42:02] Running server/fragnet/cfg/users.cfg
    [10/19/2017 18:42:04] Manifest Assets Loaded
    83 skinnable objects
    [10/19/2017 18:42:05] Generating terrain of size 4000 with seed 468365168
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3583...
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loading extensions...
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Latest compiler MD5: 5fbca0bf39b1c09ddf2fb3686b869242
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Local compiler MD5: 5fbca0bf39b1c09ddf2fb3686b869242
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loading plugins...
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3583 by Oxide and Contributors
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] Cleanup file: E:\UserFiles\JoshD1\12500\RustDedicated_Data\Managed\Oxide.Game.Rust.dll
    [10/19/2017 18:42:06] WebSocket RCon Started on 28217
    [10/19/2017 18:42:07] [1.3s] Loading World
    [10/19/2017 18:42:16] [9.0s] Spawning World
    [10/19/2017 18:42:17] [0.5s] Terrain Mesh
    [10/19/2017 18:42:19] [1.9s] Wire Meshes
    [10/19/2017 18:42:20] [3.1s] Procedural Generation
    [10/19/2017 18:42:20] Map Spawned 320 entities
    [10/19/2017 18:42:21] Destroying 332 old entities
    [10/19/2017 18:42:21] done.
    [10/19/2017 18:42:23] Spawning 24044 entities
    [10/19/2017 18:42:24] done.
    [10/19/2017 18:42:24] Enforcing SpawnPopulation Limits
    [10/19/2017 18:42:26] done.
    [10/19/2017 18:42:26] Initializing 25655 entity links
    [10/19/2017 18:42:26] done.
    [10/19/2017 18:42:27] Initializing 386 stability supports
    [10/19/2017 18:42:27] done.
    [10/19/2017 18:42:27] Initializing 150 conditional models
    [10/19/2017 18:42:27] done.
    [10/19/2017 18:42:27] Initializing 24044 entity save caches
    [10/19/2017 18:42:27] done.
    [10/19/2017 18:42:27] Connected to Steam
    [10/19/2017 18:42:28] Server startup complete
    [10/19/2017 18:42:30] BradleyAPC Spawned at :(-460.5, 28.4, -258.9)
  18. How can I fix this?

    [10/20/2017 08:36:07] Error while compiling: AutoPurge.cs(212,4): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:07] Error while compiling: ConstructionConfig.cs(480,80): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.MemberSerialization' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:07] Error while compiling: EnhancedBanSystem.cs(285,24): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:07] Error while compiling: InfoPanel.cs(1938,48): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:07] Error while compiling: ItemConfig.cs(945,45): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:07] Error while compiling: Kits.cs(1158,17): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:08] Error while compiling: LootConfig.cs(598,51): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:08] Error while compiling: NTeleportation.cs(2827,70): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.CustomCreationConverter<T>' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:08] Error while compiling: ServerInfo.cs(315,28): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.StringEscapeHandling' is defined multiple times
    [10/20/2017 08:36:08] Error while compiling: Spawns.cs(375,45): error CS0433: The imported type `Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader' is defined multiple times
  19. A good cup of coffee ;)
    (also had server from clanforge/gameservers in the past)
  20. After the last update of rust and oxidemod my plugins and commands are NOT working anymore...

    Oxidemod is running fine:


    Protocol: 2024.152.1 Build Date: 10/19/2017 23:07:42 Unity Version: 2017.1.2f1 Changeset: 23416 Branch: main Oxide Version: 2.0.3583

    Can anyone help me?!