

Total Downloads: 4,115 - First Release: Aug 27, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 14 likes
  1. Any chance for TopG support in the future?
  2. Having an issue with TopRustServers. I have created my server here: [AU/NZ]ToxicRust|VIP|5x|LowPop|Insta|TP|Kits|Clan|Trade - Top Rust Servers

    I requested the aip key and entered it in to the correct section, and I assume the server ID is simply 20344. I was given the option to allow different plugins within the api/plugins section however EasyVote is not one of them. I Authed on all of them (2) and voted in my server, attempted to do /claim but it thinks I have not voted yet. The website counted it as a vote, and I am unable to vote again.
  3. Is there any way to make like, you get 1supply signal for every 3 votes. Not 1 vote - 1 supply. I tried doing vote3/vote6/vote9... etc... But it's not working that way, it still gives you 1 signal for every vote.
  4. Put an empty vote4, vote 5, etc... ;)
  5. any ideas how i could do that highest voter weekly instead of monthly?
  6. Thanks for the awesome plugin!!!! any chance you could add support for topg.org? they have support for it
    Voting Check

  7. some1 please, does voting on beancan.io gives rewards for ur players? rustservers and toprustservers works fine for me, but beancan..
  8. [Error] Error while compiling: EasyVote.cs(676,24): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsAdmin' cannot be used as method or delegate
  9. go into the .cs and change all "IsAdmin()" to "IsAdmin"
  10. Thank you
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated EasyVote with a new update entry:


  12. Thank you wulf
  13. Maybe api is changed or something else is fucked up in my code. I will take a look now.
  14. Currently it´s not possible. Let me try explain reward system to you.

    Here is exampled reward list
    "Reward": {
        "vote3": [
          "supply.signal: 1"
        "vote6": [
          "supply.signal: 2"
        "vote9": [
          "supply.signal: 3"
    When player has less then 3 vote, he dont got any reward. When he got exact 3 or more he got "vote3" reward.
    When player has voted 6th (or more) he got "vote6" reward.

    Hope this explain to you this system.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1489162290][/DOUBLEPOST]@Snowie I dont have any server to add TopG server, so i cant test it out. Yep 20344 is your ID and KEY can be found from TopG manage server page. I found out that TopG is really laggy, so i dont recommend using it.
  15. Is there a way to loop the voting. So after they have done there 10th vote it resets only there vote data?
  16. Why you want loop it? and i guess you mean like reputation or something like that system?
  17. I want it to loop so people get a set 20 rewards and after they have voted 20 times there votes start again with the rewards. Yeah, so the plugin could check to see if the players votes have hit a certain number and after that it will go back to the first reward. e.g 20 votes = reward 20. 21 votes = reward 1. 40 votes = reward 20, 41 votes = reward 1.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2017
  18. Yeah I understand. I did as
    told me, and it works ;)
  19. Any news on this. It would seem that it Rust-Servers is broken for me too. Player just voted and nothing to claim in game.

    How long does it normally take for votes to kick in?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2017
  20. Are you using TopG only? or does it happen in all vote website?
    And I dont have any rust server to add TopG server, so i cant test it out by my self currently.