

Total Downloads: 4,115 - First Release: Aug 27, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 14 likes
  1. Its no longer been used, so i don't remember what it exactly does. Probably timer interval, how often check highestvoter or announcement it.
  2. how do i connect the plugin to the website
    • Register you server one of the vote site (Rust-Server.net, Beancan.io, Top-Serveurs.net & TopRustServers.com)
    • Copy API (Usually found some where in website and manage your server) and ServerID (Usually found from URL)
    • Paste API+ServerID in oxide/config/EasyVote.JSON file.
      "VoteSettings": {
          "BeancanID": "", // Found ID from URL!
          "BeancanKEY": "",
          "RustServersID": "", // Found ID from "My options -> Manage Your Servers"
          "RustServersKEY": "", // Found KEY from "My options -> Manage Your Servers"
          "TopRustServersID": "", // Found ID from URL!
          "TopRustServersKEY": "", // Found KEY from Manage server!
          "TopServeursID": "", // Found ID from URL!
          "TopServeursKEY": ""
  3. there is no file
  4. all there is is the plugins file none of the plugins display there
  5. i have 1 question:
    - I have 2 links to vote, how can i setup, that for ONLY 2 votes on these sites players will claim 1 SupplySignal?
    Now i have 1 vote= 1 Supply

  6. Well currently you cant
  7. i'll wait'n for this ))
  8. I am having the same issue. The /reward list command is blank, but does scroll the chat window up many lines.

    I tried to resolve it by adjusting the lineSplit in the following line in the rewardList method. However - no matter the value, it is either a blank list, or missing some of the entries from the rewards list

    int lineSplit = 4; // Line "split" value

    Here is the reward section from the config, and attached a screen shot of what it looks like with lineSplit=3

    "Reward": {
    "vote1": [
    "supply.signal: 1"
    "vote5": [
    "rifle.lr300: 1",
    "ammo.rifle: 100",
    "ammo.rifle.explosive: 20",
    "ammo.rifle.hv: 20",
    "ammo.rifle.incendiary: 20"
    "vote10": [
    "explosive.timed: 4",
    "grenade.beancan 10"
    "vote15": [
    "flamethrower: 1",
    "lowgradefuel: 500"
    "vote16": [
    "rocket.launcher: 1",
    "ammo.rocket.basic: 8"
    "vote17": [
    "supply.signal: 2"
    "vote20": [
    "rifle.lr300: 1",
    "ammo.rifle: 200",
    "explosive.timed: 4",
    "grenade.f1 10",
    "flamethrower: 1",
    "lowgradefuel: 500",
    "rocket.launcher: 1",
    "ammo.rocket.basic: 8"
    "vote21": [
    "supply.signal: 2"

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2016
  9. @GratefulMichael Interesting, i will take a look it. Thank you for report it :)
  10. @fireball1122 I start working on your feature request list.
    1. I think plugin already have too many vote site support? Or what you think?
    2. I start working now to add some admin commands.
    3. Easy, but should it have own category in config file or should i make new json file for this?
    4. Should this be daily or weekly reset? Like if players vote 50th in one day, then server do something? And it will reset every day/week?
    5. Already done in latest version. All "Variables" are console commands and can be changed or added how many you want.
    6. You mean that vote rewards should cumulative?
  11. Exel80 updated EasyVote with a new update entry:


  12. Yesssssssssssssss I'm excited to try! Thanks for the update I'll let you know how everything goes! Merry Christmas. <3
  13. Awesome thanks!
    Happy holiday you too sir :)
  14. I'm so confused on how to add different rewards... can someone shed some light for me? thanks
  15. @Exel80 This is working a lot better but there is still a problem.

    Say you have a reward for 2 votes and then a reward for 4 votes. If vote twice you get the fist reward but if you vote a 3rd time you get the first reward again and finally you get the second reward if you vote a 4th time.

    I don't know if that's on purpose or not but this is how I think it should work.

    Vote twice get 1st reward

    Vote three times get nothing

    Vote four times get the second reward.

    Keep up the good work, I like your plugin. Merry Christmas! :D
  16. It meant to do that.
  17. A little off topic - but related. It looks like toprustservers.com is down - maybe offline. Does anyone know how to get a server listed on beancan.io or where to go for support ?? I have added mine three times in the past month and my pending server add just disappears?
  18. Beancan has approve system. Admis has to accept you server, before it will be shown in list.
  19. Right, I get that ;-) - but what does it take to get one approved? I add my server, it's got the correct IP and port add the tags, give it a good description, a unique name, and............nothing. No way to contact them either...which could be how they want it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2016