

Total Downloads: 4,115 - First Release: Aug 27, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 14 likes
  1. Nope Rust-Servers isn't working. Don't use TopG just the ones provided in the config.

    BeanCan is working Top Rust is working other 2 aren't..
  2. You sure that problem isnt just in your config file?
    Can you post here your config/EasyVote.json? (remove api keys)
  3. My second post ever.

    Have read as much as I can and followed all through.

    My issue. I have no item rewards only money, All works for admin (me), but players receive the success message but no money reward. Hoping this is a silly permissions issue on my part. Your help is appreciated and respected,

  4. This sound really interesting.
    Can you copy here your config easyvote json file? remove api.
  5. anybody had this error i have not changed anything in the part its saying the issue is in - EasyVote - After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'Settings.HighestVoterRewardGroup', line 21, position 4. i am not sure what to change as its exactly the same as the config on this plugins main page.
  6. So, I've just installed this plugin. I've reloaded it a few times, and I've checked the JSON. Everything seems to check-out, but for whatever reason I'm unable to receive any feedback from the /claim command after voting. Nothing is given, and nothing is displayed in chat. Other commands, such as /vote, gives me feedback just fine. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


    I've done "/vote test" and it works just fine as well.
    Is /claim not working because I'm an admin/owner?

    Here's my Config File - I've removed my API Keys for security reasons.

      "Reward": {
        "vote1": [
          "supply.signal: 1"
        "vote2": [
          "supply.signal: 1"
        "vote3": [
          "supply.signal: 1"
      "Settings": {
        "Announcment": "true",
        "GlobalClaimAnnouncment": "true",
        "HighestVoter": "false",
        "HighestVoterInterval": "10",
        "HighestVoterRewardGroup": "hero",
        "Prefix": "<color=#acd373>[ServerVote]</color>"
      "Variables": {
        "addgroup": "addgroup {playerid} {value} {value2}",
        "grantperm": "grantperm {playerid} {value} {value2}",
        "money": "eco.c deposit {playerid} {value}",
        "rp": "sr add {playerid} {value}",
        "zlvl-mg": "zlvl {playername} MG +{value}",
        "zlvl-s": "zlvl {playername} S +{value}",
        "zlvl-wc": "zlvl {playername} WC +{value}"
      "VoteSettings": {
        "BeancanID": "73028",
        "BeancanKEY": "REMOVED FOR SECURITY",
        "RustServersID": "110825",
        "RustServersKEY": "REMOVED FOR SECURITY",
        "TopRustServersID": "20684",
        "TopRustServersKEY": "REMOVED FOR SECURITY",
        "TopServeursID": "",
        "TopServeursKEY": ""
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2017
  7. Players are no longer recieving RP for voting. I am seeing in console two different messages:
    [ServerRewards] no players found
    [ServerRewards]Multiple players found with that name
  8. shouldnt the config for addgroup say "addgroup":"usergroup add {playerid} {value} {value2}",
    instead of "addgroup":"addgroup {playerid} {value} {value2}", ? since addgroup doesnt seem to work for me atleast.
  9. has stated above /claim doesnt work any more
    [DOUBLEPOST=1490718817][/DOUBLEPOST]i take this back it because im a admin it works for everyone on ym server
  10. Web request callback raised an exception (IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.)
    Web request callback raised an exception in 'EasyVote v1.2.7' plugin (IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.)

    Any ideas?
  11. is it possible to add 2 rust-server.net voting sites to vote on?
  12. What happens if 2 people vote every day? Do they both get top voter rewards?
  13. surely you gotta wipe the voter data based on your wipe length right? we have 14 days worth of vote rewards so would need to wipe the data otherwise there'd be nothin to give em king on.
  14. I just download EasyVote to lt there guest vote to my server but there not showing the links, the reward's
  15. [VOTE] Someting went wrong! We got 522 error from BeancanIO. Please try again later!

    What does that mean?
  16. sNT


    How can i add multiple rust-servers websites? Want my users to be able to vote on the others servers registered on rust-servers
  17. Hello,
    how can I vote from 1 server to all my server'?
    it show's only 1 server link vote
  18. I have mine set to 5th vote you get a supply signal. Problem is each vote after 5 you get something. How do I make it to where every 5th vote you get a reward, not 5,6,7,8,9,etc
  19. Hello,
    Is it possible that the server vote link clickable is in the chat?
    #lazy ;)
  20. is it possible to add 2 rust-server.net voting sites to vote on?