

Total Downloads: 1,697 - First Release: Feb 12, 2016 - Last Update: Oct 31, 2016

5/5, 3 likes
  1. Are you putting a players name in? /stakes share Player
    Do you own any stakes?
  2. Yes, /stakes share "name"
    I have stakes down, it was another member that told me that it wasn't working, and it was the same for everyone.
  3. Noviets updated EasyStakes with a new update entry:


  4. New update, new errors

    Console: EasyStakes.cs(86,19): warning CS0219: The variable `pinv' is assigned but its value is never used
  5. Noviets updated EasyStakes with a new update entry:


    Thanks mate I noticed a few probs as soon as I uploaded it, caught me before I got the fix out :p
    Thanks for the fast report though!
  6. Noviets updated EasyStakes with a new update entry:


  7. Goodjob working 100% null errors

    thx bro ;)
  8. Im still unable to get the share part work, When you first added it, it worked great. The /Share Stakes. but after you fixed it so it wouldn't conflict with livemap. myself or anyone on my server haven't got it to work. We dont even see the error in chat that the command doesn't exist.
    Unless its maybe conflicting with another plugin.
  9. Well thanks guys! :( Due to all of the many plugins that updated at once.. You crashed my server so bad that its not repairable. I have been talking with my host and found that this to be true ,so after it crashed now i cant get it backup online. I tried everything and even though i just wiped a week ago. Now i have to do it all over again! You have did it yet again! :(
  10. No plugins should ever make your savefile corrupt. Unless you have been messing with workshop mods.

    If you give us more details on what your problem is perhaps people can help you.
  11. Sounds like a workshop mod was removed from the server. I have had that issue and the server just gets stuck in a boot loop. I dont know how the host could say it was Oxide related. Normally if its a plugin issue the plugin will just not work.
  12. Hello. Do not tell me how to make that amber was first totems 5, that is, when they are installed. I have on the server only 1 amber; (
  13. Dotann52: to get help the best thing is to start a new topic. Like noviets and darrk said. It is properly a workshop mod who broke your savegame.
    Check your gamelog.txt to ser whichs mods he is trying to load and then check if they are available in your autoexec.cfg
  14. Stakes time not refreshing correctly when amber was filled - i must reauthorize for reset time according amber amount
  15. Please someone knows how to modify this plugin so that it works on hurtowlrd itemv2

    EasyStakes | Oxide
  16. Sorry to bother, but i have added this plugin to server I bought to have them host since couldn't get it to work myself, I have the file in the correct folder but can't seem to figure out how to grant permission. Every time I use the /grant it says unknown command is this something i need to do in the config file?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    See Using the Oxide permission system | Oxide.
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    These are commands. You'd enter them either in your chat as admin or via RCON tools.
  19. I've entered the commands using oxide.grant then it claims the group has permission, none of the commands do anything, no chat messages or anything but it doesn't say unknown command. Also all the console keeps saying is "This is weird? Should this ever happen?"