
Send reports from players in-game to a Discord server

Total Downloads: 639 - First Release: Feb 14, 2017 - Last Update: Mar 3, 2017

5/5, 3 likes
  1. Bobakanoosh updated DiscordReport with a new update entry:


  2. Great plugin! I just put this on my server and I am running into some issues.

    I keep getting this error:
    Failed to call hook 'callAdminCommand' on plugin 'DiscordReport v0.8.0' (NullRef
    erenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  3. Odd, make sure you're on the right version. No one else has run into any issues like that except in the first versions.
  4. Weird, I am using version 0.8.0
  5. No longer working again.
  6. Works great actually.
  7. Awesome plugin. Do you know if there is a plugin that will send game chat to discord and let you talk in discord and send it to the game.?
  8. It's possible? Configure to send all messages from the server to the Discord?
  9. [Discord] Discord Api responded with 401: {"code": 0, "message": "401: Unauthorized"} that's what it says when i try to report
  10. This support is beyond me, and would require a lot of work with Discord's actual API rather than Oxide's.

    Pretty sure this is possible if you have it read every chat message and send that, instead of just when someone reports.

    You haven't properly setup your bot. That's also a Discord API for Oxide error, not DiscordReport :p I have a guide on setting up the bot on my plugins homepage.
  11. aghh ty ill take a look in there
  12. broken cant find player
  13. Nice Works extrem nice
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2017
  14. Hello, can you just make a bot that have a invite link pls, i don't can make a bot, plsssssss
    In the place of set 'Hello' set '@Hello#0000'
  15. I dunno if its possible but is there any way to make this have the Ability to reply to players msg via Discord
  16. I cant seam to get it to work. Ive set it all up.
  17. When i try to run the bot on my desktop it says Configuration Loaded... but i can not type in the console and the commands on the server arent working but the bot is online in my discord.
  18. I can continue plugin support, if current creator doesn't have time to update plugin. @Wulf @Bobakanoosh
  19. (19:47:58) | Plugin compilation is already queued: DiscordReport (0.047 ago)
    (19:48:00) | DiscordReport and Discord were compiled successfully in 1758ms
    (19:48:00) | Unloaded plugin DiscordReport v0.8.0 by Bobakanoosh
    (19:48:00) | Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.1 by seanbyrne88
    (19:48:00) | DiscordReport plugin is waiting for requirements to be loaded: Discord
    (19:48:00) | Failed to initialize plugin 'Discord v0.2.1' (JsonSerializationException: Unexpected end when deserializing object. Path 'ChannelID', line 3, position 33.)
    (19:48:00) | at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ThrowUnexpectedEndException (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, System.Object currentObject, System.String message) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    (19:48:00) | Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.1 by seanbyrne88
    (19:48:00) | DiscordReport plugin requires missing dependencies: Discord
    (19:48:00) | Rolling back plugin to last good version: Discord
    (19:48:00) | Failed to initialize plugin 'Discord v0.2.1' (JsonSerializationException: Unexpected end when deserializing object. Path 'ChannelID', line 3, position 33.)
    (19:48:00) | at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ThrowUnexpectedEndException (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, System.Object currentObject, System.String message) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    (19:48:00) | Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.1 by seanbyrne88
    (19:48:00) | Previous version of plugin failed to load: Discord
  20. Can you copy paste your config file here. Error happen in "Path 'ChannelID', line 3, position 33."