
Adds a customizable crosshair to your screen

Total Downloads: 9,869 - First Release: Jul 17, 2015 - Last Update: Jul 1, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. Maybe. Probably so. But I use no-steam vesion. And where to get the new I do not know. Only if you can help?
  2. Oxide only supports steam servers
  3. Any fix for this ?
  4. After updating Oxide, the crosshair no longer shows. I see no error in console, and "Crosshair enabled" in chat after /crosshair, but no actual crosshair
  5. yea known.
    I am taking a look at it right now what I got to change.
  6. LaserHydra updated Crosshair with a new update entry:


  7. It says I do not have permissions.... I am getting really tired of seeing that! So many plugins, even after updating, still say I dont have access or permissions.... if I set myself as owner then I should have all access to all plugins. What am I not doing right?
  8. Oxide uses a permission system. Almost all plugins change from authlevel to these permissions.
    You need to grant these permissions to you or your group. I recommend looking around on the forum about this. There is a sticky thread about this somewhere.
    In this case you'd use the following console command:
    grant user jssi_03 crosshair.use
  9. The crosshair now appears when players press tab or go into their inventory. They can do /crosshair to disable it, but it can get annoying having to do that every time you open the inventory.
  10. I see. I'll check that.
  11. no to bitch lol XD but ummm btw i love crosshair. ummm so here it is... one of my Owner in my Server Doesn't have permission to this Mod. And apparently it Came up on his Screen. He Didn't Like it. So i said. Type Crosshair To Toggle it off... And he then Said. It Says " I Don't Got Permission To Use that" lol.... Now i gave him the permission to toggle it off... and Still Shows up time to time on his Screen when he is doing stuff... lol He says it lags his Computer + he refuses to use it... he isn't making this shit up because he Guessed exact color and symbol of the crosshair even after changing it. now i have to hear it from him every time crosshair shows up on his screen :D i don't know what to do + i do not wish to take the mod down due to my noobish Skills.
  12. Well if you look to the above posts Its known to me. I am going to fix this today.
  13. LaserHydra updated Crosshair with a new update entry:


  14. Basic mod to this plugin: Show crosshair only when holding a weapon and aiming

    *** NOT fully tested - There can be bugs.

    Uses this hard-coded ( :( ) weapon list:
    "smg.thompson ",
    "smg.2 ",

    Next: I'd like to mod it more to check for weapon mods and only show when there is NOT a sighting weapon mod attached to the weapon.

    Use it if you like - criticize it if you must.

    Attached Files:

  15. not working
            void Unloaded(BasePlayer player)
                foreach (BasePlayer current in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
                    Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "Crosshair");
            void Loaded(BasePlayer player)
                foreach (BasePlayer current in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
                    Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "Crosshair");
    crosshair stay in place

    instead of player need current

    If enter inventory crosshair do not remove
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2015
  16. Please use the attached version. Use these weapons OR modify the plugin code for your needs.

    var WeaponsList = new List<string>
                    "smg.thompson ",
                    "smg.2 ",

    Attached Files:

  17. [Oxide] 7:30 PM [Error] Crosshair plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 7:30 PM [Error] Crosshair.cs(60,35): error CS0117: `BUTTON' does not contain a definition for `INVENTORY'
  18. update plz~
  19. I'm having the same issue.

    [Oxide] 7:30 PM [Error] Crosshair plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 7:30 PM [Error] Crosshair.cs(60,35): error CS0117: `BUTTON' does not contain a definition for `INVENTORY'
  20. Code:
    [Oxide] 5:42 PM [Error] Crosshair plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 5:42 PM [Error] Crosshair.cs(60,35): error CS0117: `BUTTON' does not contain a definition for `INVENTORY'