
The horn of plenty! Spawn extra crates, barrels, nodes, animals, etc. randomly on the map

Total Downloads: 6,692 - First Release: Jul 28, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 1, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. On my server, each ''respawn cycle'' i got a lot of error for invalid hit from my players and the server freeze for 2-3 seconds, it's a dedicated xeon and the map is 5500 in size.
    The problem is the same with 20 or 100 player.
    The problem occur durring the ''deleting'' process, i don't want the plugin to delete something it's already there, i want to integrate what's missing...

    following an example error

    [Cornucopia] Deleted 17 stacked loot boxes (out of 211)
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 45X chicken!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 43X horse!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 89X boar!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 111X stag!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 65X wolf!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 58X bear!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 775X stone-ore!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 771X metal-ore!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 756X sulfur-ore!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 240X loot_barrel_1!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 234X loot_barrel_2!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 41X oil_barrel!
    [Cornucopia] Spawning 3X assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_trash.prefab!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 31X trash-pile-1!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 2X crate_normal!
    [Cornucopia] Destroying 97X crate_normal_2!
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.07226563s left on bone_club.entity)
    Martina <3[24630164/76561198091964770] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.3222656s left on pickaxe.entity)
    [MUL] ispanico92[784775/76561198107432945] sent invalid reload: T-2.070313s
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.2285156s left on bone_club.entity)
    [IGN] eremelli92[26327957/76561198174760674] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.3789063s left on pickaxe.entity)
    [ScA] Tizio triggerato male[16963266/76561198032564799] sent invalid reload: T-1.697266s
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.06835938s left on bone_club.entity)
    [IGN] eremelli92[26327957/76561198174760674] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.1308594s left on pickaxe.entity)
    [NR] Ichigo[5449273/76561198115127051] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.04296875s left on salvaged_cleaver.entity)
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.109375s left on bone_club.entity)
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.109375s left on bone_club.entity)
    [9reg] Eric.Cartman[19372673/76561198168086997] sent invalid reload: T-3.373047s
    [tpn] iomamazzo[9972933/76561198361032704] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.2734375s left on spear_wooden.entity)
    [ITA] Kurumi[29119945/76561198098554841] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.1894531s left on rock.entity)
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.1289063s left on bone_club.entity)
    [tpn] iomamazzo[9972933/76561198361032704] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.0703125s left on spear_wooden.entity)
    [NoNaMe] Tonypa[26969286/76561198029790337] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.3632813s left on salvaged_cleaver.entity)
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.0546875s left on bone_club.entity)
    [ServerRewards] Saved player data
    [ITA] Kurumi[29119945/76561198098554841] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.5s left on rock.entity)
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.2871094s left on bone_club.entity)
    [NoNaMe] Tonypa[26969286/76561198029790337] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.2460938s left on salvaged_cleaver.entity)
    bugiardo03[28329032/76561198159885936] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.2382813s left on bone_club.entity)
    [ITA] Kurumi[29119945/76561198098554841] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.3964844s left on rock.entity)
    [tpn] [ITA]SoulEdge[8132459/76561198084981017] fired invalid projectile: Entity too far away (arrow_wooden on player with 2.53497m > 1.726136m in 0.2956612s)
    [tpn] [ITA]SoulEdge[8132459/76561198084981017] fired invalid projectile: Traveled too fast (arrow_wooden on player with 19.95222m > 14.78306m in 0.2956612s)
    [tpn] iomamazzo[9972933/76561198361032704] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.5878906s left on spear_wooden.entity)
    [NR] Ichigo[5449273/76561198115127051] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.3417969s left on salvaged_cleaver.entity)
    [ITA] Kurumi[29119945/76561198098554841] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.28125s left on rock.entity)
    [NoNaMe] Tonypa[26969286/76561198029790337] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.02539063s left on salvaged_cleaver.entity)
    [tpn] iomamazzo[9972933/76561198361032704] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.3984375s left on spear_wooden.entity)
    [ITA] Kurumi[29119945/76561198098554841] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.078125s left on rock.entity)
    [NR] Ichigo[5449273/76561198115127051] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.1386719s left on salvaged_cleaver.entity)
    [Better Chat] [Player] [ITA] Kurumi: a
    [tpn] iomamazzo[9972933/76561198361032704] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.2324219s left on spear_wooden.entity)
    [NR] Ichigo[5449273/76561198115127051] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.03515625s left on salvaged_cleaver.entity)
    [tpn] iomamazzo[9972933/76561198361032704] sent invalid attack: Cooldown (0.1210938s left on spear_wooden.entity)
  2. I'm getting similar errors:

    [Cornucopia] Spawning 48X assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab!
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?
    ... etc etc etc
  3. Hi I can imagine the -1 value is the default spawning server? I want to know cause of the overview is not updated and ask about 0 value to default spawn :/
  4. The update fixed my problem... Thank you.
  5. Thats how this plugin always worked and does currently work. It does not obey what the server normally would and should do. Thats why that plugin is not really recommended.

    Wulf did take it only over to maintain for people constantly asking for it, but he is not responsible for the (crappy) functions itself.
  6. What is the difference between loot_trash and trash-pile-1? Which one is the washing machines and shit like that?
  7. the config in the overview is different than the .json config file. I want to set all values to zero but animals so I can only use this plugin for random animal spawns. How can I do this?
  8. Error while compiling: Cornucopia.cs(295,25): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsAdmin' cannot be used as method or delegate

    as of new rust update... where is this and can I fix it myself? Will there be a plugin update?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  10. /cspawn doesnt work
  11. The main page of this mod seems really out of date. The config file example is completely different than what I got after installing the mod and then running my server. I'm not sure if I should switch it to match or if I should leave it as is? Could we get an updated guide on how to use this properly?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This plugin isn't really maintained by the original author anymore. The past few updates were just compile fixes by me.
  13. Well thank you for doing that as this is a mod I was quite excited about when I discovered it. Any tips on how to get it set up? I was confused for example, when I noticed that everything has a negative value applied to it. Not sure if I should just change the min to 1 and max to 100 or? Maybe you could post your config so I have something to compare the defaults to?
  14. How do i get to the config
  15. It will show up in server\Yourserver\Oxide\Config\ after you run your server once with the plugin installed.
  16. I don't really understand thoose min and max numbers I'm kinda confused about the -1 stat.
  17. Hi with last update

    Error while compiling: Cornucopia.cs(369,57): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `BaseNPC' could not be found. Are you missing `ProtoBuf' using directive?
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  19. Thanks for update, but the animal prefabs has to be updated. It doesn't work with new rust update.
  20. yes like this example:

    [BUNDLE] Not found: assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/bear.prefab
    Couldn't find prefab "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/bear.prefab"
    [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/bear.prefab but entity could not be spawned.

    Thank Wulf please information where do you get information to replace words by other like GameManifest.Get() to GameManifest.Current you cannot invent them right ^^?