Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,535 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. Whenever I paste something from fortify and have an entrance on the building i save it in fortify while looking at the entrance expecting that to come into the game in front of me but never does sometimes it's above me sometimes it comes in way off to the left. Is there any command or tricks to get buildings to appear in front of me each time? Do I have to save the buildings I make in fortify a certain way so I can know which "way" it will be pasted into the game?

    Is there anyway to have it bring in a wireframe that can be rotated like when placing a mining quarry or something?
  2. After installing the plugin and having it working after the update on 9/7/17 its not working. I've tried loading it uninstalling and reinstalling etc help would be appreciated.
  3. Mine works fine but my Rustio doesn't work
  4. its good and works good for me .
    but it cant' copy what inside the vending machine like : 1 wood for 1 stone
  5. could you tell me where i place the json file into my server from fortify to use the paste from fortify ?
  6. /oxide/data/copypaste/
  7. Can you please implement to copy the settings of the vending machine?
    That would save a lot of work when I copy my Shop with 40 vending machines.
  8. i asked for this before ..
    and find this plugin for that
    VendingManager for Rust | Oxide
  9. is it possible to use this plugin in console instead of chat ?? cuz i wanted to use it on ServerRewards command and it didn't work
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2017
  10. You can use commands from server console
    Only need to copy configuration or inventory too?
  11. already tried as "Paste SimpleHouse"
  12. pasteback SimpleHouse
    For paste in a specific location, use the plugin API
  13. ok sorry am really stupid at this but shall i use
    TryPasteFromVector3(Vector3 pos, float rotationCorrection, string filename, string[] args)
    in F1 commands ? cuz that does nothing
    @miRror help ? c:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2017
  14. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  15. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  16. Whenever icopy it says that it's copied but when i paste it also says it's paste.

    But nothing comes up
  17. I only had this happen when I transferred old files to a new location. I had to delete the config file and force it to reload and at least in my case that fixed my problem. You might need to check on your Rcon and see if it's throwing any errors when it supposedly copied/pasted the file

    Edit: I had some issues after todays update it seems that oxide reloaded a little after the update dropped so I had to reinstall the newest build of it for some plug ins to work properly
  18. Yeah it's not copying apparently after the 9/21 updates. It seems to be pasting fine, if you already have something saved, but copying is NOT working.
  19. thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2017
  20. Mine works fine