Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,539 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. anyone getting Packet Flooding kicks when copying large buildings???? Can that be solved??
  2. @miRror when pasting a building and using: /paste BUILDINGNAME auth true I get Building Priv and as I have Dynamic Cupboard Share on my server I would also like to have it so pasted buildings can share the building priv to clan members and also auth on turrets etc also. Quoted from DCS Dev:

    "The plugin author needs to add the same functions like for cups for the auto-turrets. When the objects have an defined owner then, and someone enters the range of one of the pasted cups/autoturrets, then any valid player (clan member/friend) gets authed as usual on these."

    Would this be possible?
  3. @PryMary, Yes, this is possible, but most likely will continue to develop since September :(
  4. oki doki :) Thank you miRror :)
  5. Hello,

    The admin of my usual server has saved my base with the command "/copy Charlie" before the wipe

    After the wipe, she does a "/paste Charlie" at my choosen position, all seems right except ... the fact that the base belong to her !

    I can't remove anything except new entities placed by me, I can't put a "home" position.

    When she died and respawn in bed, she was in my base.

    Everything indicate that the server consider the owner of the base is the player (admin) who paste it, even after I re owned the toolcup.

    We can't of course re copy the base with additionnals parameters on the wiped map.

    How can we force the server to accept me as the owner of the base again ?


  6. @Charliefiftyto
    Plugin EntityOwner + /own all pseudo
  7. Is it possible to only authorize a group to use pasteback so they can recover after wipe?
  8. @miRror Can you add a config to save vending machine sell orders on copy? we have a town with a bunch of stuff in the vip rooms and have to redo em each wipe. the inventories are there but having to redo the sell orders is a chore :)
  9. I'm using this code to destroy all foundations and high walls placed in a CTF event (which works)

    But after pasteback the auth is kept from the last round...
                 Vector3 position = new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(1244.183), Convert.ToSingle(2.049123), Convert.ToSingle(751.4901));
                                float distance = 160f;
                                List<BaseEntity> nearby = new List<BaseEntity>();
                                Vis.Entities<BaseEntity>(position, distance, nearby);
                                foreach(BaseEntity entity in nearby.Distinct().ToList())
                                    if (entity.PrefabName.Contains("foundation")) entity.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.Gib);
                                    if (entity.PrefabName.Contains("external")) entity.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.Gib);
                                rust.RunServerCommand("pasteback dtctfa auth false");
                                rust.RunServerCommand("pasteback dtctfb auth false");
  10. what is permission for rust experimental ? say copypaste.copy permission doesnt exist
  11. Doing /copy name radius XX didn't work for me, it tried to copy someones entire compound and kicked everyone for Packet Flooding kicks. Yet I can copy anything else just fine.
  12. @miRror Feature Request, and I think this is probably a nice one to do too. The ability to have a building paste back to a location without having to be there. Our first thoughts are issuing a command using the real time timer in the TimedExecute plugin so that the bases get reset each day at 5.00am when the servers do.

    Beacause our servers are currently low-pop but regularly busy, what we've been doing intermittently is pasting in some difficult to raid bases to give the raiders something to do without driving away new players. What we've been talking about here is how good it would be if this was a daily automated process, and as mentioned above, we could do this with TimedExecute if Copy-Paste supported the exact co-ordinates of a base for pasting back. Maybe storing the co-ords when first copied?

    What do you think? Our guess is a lot of server owners would benefit from something like this.

    Thanks for listening.
  13. Does it save buildings from previous wipes? If so it'd make our arena building sooooo much easier
  14. Yes, u can copy and save it. After wipe u can paste it back. If u use again the same map seed u can paste it on the same place or if u use new map seed u can paste it and a littlebit adjust from the height how u wish it. yes its the easiest and fast way to rebuild for example your arena after wipe.
  15. Okay, forget this. After nearly 12 months of using Copy-Paste, we just noticed the /pasteback command. AWESOME! It even works in console too. ;-)
  16. Any way to make the pasting cost the same resources as it would cost to build it? Including the inventory's.
  17. Just my dumb opinion for what it's worth. Sorry. I assume from that you'd like to give players the ability to copy-paste? And charge them the price of the resources for pasting a building down?

    How would they know which inventory items are in chests etc? They wouldn't.

    Also I don't think that's a safe idea. /paste sometimes lags a server for a few moments if the building is large. Now imagine someone has intentionally planned to do a lot of /pastes in order to lag the server and have a pile of resources in their inventory to do so. Now imagine 5 of them doing it at the same time.

    Just sayin'
  18. ^----------------------- THIS ---------------------------------^
  19. Hi,

    Just wondering, I created a design in FORTIFY but when you /paste it, it only pastes the deployables, like TC and barricades.

    I exported it to json
  20. Check your config looks something like this. You may have Buildings set to false. You can override it with an option when you/paste.

      "Copy Options": {
        "Buildings (true/false)": true,
        "Deployables (true/false)": true,
        "Inventories (true/false)": true,
        "Share (true/false)": false,
        "Tree (true/false)": false
      "Paste Options": {
        "Auth (true/false)": false,
        "Deployables (true/false)": true,
        "Inventories (true/false)": true