Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,541 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. Yes you can
  2. It would be awesome to build a library of buildings / constructions. I tried the ohgbase.txt file (renaming it as a .json) but received an error that the file is broken.

    Is it possible to trade .json files??

    Thanks for building this!!
  3. Send me your file ohgbase.json in pm.
  4. it was one i downloaded from an earlier post in this thread. and now i can't find it. i am a loser.

    so, any good files to share? And

    here's what was in that file

    Attached Files:

  5. This file is not compatible with the latest version of the plugin
  6. ah cool. great. i found it here and didn't really check

    so, what about setting up an exchange? with that, you'd really build up some inertia around this plugin (more than you already have!)

    thanks for writing it!
  7. Is it possible to let a copy save name of the beds/sleeping bags?, after pasteback I've got a ton of beds to respawn in....all named the same?

    Your code lock my command should be "/copy base share true" right? , does it save the original cupboard owners also? I'm doing all pastebacks, but I "/pasteback LomarinesBase auth true" only gives me the cupboard authorization right?
  8. Im new to this plugin and looked around a bit my question is lets say i build a big town and want to save it for future wipes.
    How can i save my town to my computer to access it later?
  9. ok new question. I see people giving folders to castles and other buildings.
    How do i paste them? I tried opening up the folder in wordpad and copying it then going in game and pasting it, am i doing something wrong?
  10. I downloaded the cabin file , located it in the clanforge copy paste files, opened up the file in note pad and copied it.
    Went in game and typed /paste cabin but nothing worked it says file empty.
  11. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


    Option share was intended to copy original information about object.
    Option auth was conceived to giving you access to cupboard tool (at moment)
  12. Option share was intended to copy original information about object.
    Option auth was conceived to giving you access to cupboard tool (at moment)[/QUOTE]

    Bed/sleeping bags and cupboard share!, great update, thx. You are a true champ!
  13. So bears are in Fortify, was thinking about including them in the .json export. Would it paste?
  14. I believe that nobody uses this feature
  15. Nobody can give me advice on how to put other peoples builings on my server?
    Ive read and searched and googled with no luck.
  16. Getting this error. "Failed to call hook 'cmdChatPaste' on plugin 'CopyPaste v3.3.4' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)" when i use a fortify-generated JSON file. any clue on how to fix? im just using fortify's rust copy-paste option to make the json files
  17. Would it be possible:) to give all players rights to copy, pasteback and undo ?
    Only pasteback, not paste, that way they would be able to recover their buildings, but not just plaster one building all over the place or import from fortify.
  18. Send me your file in pm
    Had a request for this improvement from the developer fortify, but I have certainly not decided how to work this function.
  19. После последнего обновления плагин работает не правильно, прошлые копии домов вставляются не полностью или разрушаются.
    After the last update, the plugin does not work correctly, past copies of the home are not completely inserted or destroyed.
  20. Ошибку в логах какую нибудь пишет?
    Если не пишет, то проблема со стабильностью - ее нужно отключить при помощи команды server.stability 0. В последнем обновлении я не делал ничего, что могло бы повлиять на совместимость с предыдущими версиями.

    Are there any errors in logs?