Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,541 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. You may be right. I'll think some more time and perhaps make in the way previously suggested.
  2. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  3. hey @miRror, I made a thread about this in kits aswell because Im not sure if its based on his configs or in this.. I made a request to make it so when I paste a building in I want it to make me or $steamid the ownership of the building, is that anything you are able to put in?
  4. @Deeplyfried, Ownership is owner of building blocks or access locks?
  5. @miRror ownership, right now people that paste them in cant remove them with the remover tool cause no ownership
  6. understood, I will try now to find a solution
  7. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  8. @miRror thanks mate :) will try it right away
    [DOUBLEPOST=1500671606][/DOUBLEPOST]@miRror worked perfectly, this also worked instantly with the /kit building, no new parameters needed to be put in the kit neither ;)

    Does AUTH paste option mean cupboards retain auth lists?
  10. I need help. I installed the plugin and it seems to be working but there is no copypaste folder in the data folder. I want to import Fortify saves and the Fortify website says that there should be a folder where you put the .json file inside the data file.
  11. Think I had the same problem with the data folder not generating a while back, no biggie just right click and create it yourself spelled exactly "copypaste". Input the files from Fortify in there and the CopyPaste will correctly grab that information from the folder you created without issues.

    Attached Files:

  12. Am I the only that cannot connect to I am getting connection timed out on the website.
  13. Auth option authorizes you in all pasted cupboards.
    Reneb not extended domain
  14. Hi,

    i have a problem when i paste/undo my building:

    Calling 'OnPlayerDisconnected' on 'CopyPaste' Took 5264ms

    This error disconnect all players on my server with this error:

    Disconnected: Packet Flooding: Player Tick

    Do you know how to fix it ?
  15. This is a normal reaction to the pasting of buildings. The server at the time of paste hangs.
  16. This plugin is awesome, but before i don't have any problems with it.

    It's bad to be disconnected without reason for my players :(

    But it's ok, thanks for ur quick reply !
  17. I got this error a while back when I tried copying or pasting in something that were to close to any of the monuments
  18. Hmm... I got this error for each paste I did, everywhere x)
  19. Hi, with this plugin can you paste a structure saved before a forced update? Thank you for the support.