Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,547 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. Hi, I sent a PM and had no reply. I tried the latest version from yesterday and still the same. When pasting in something it says I have successfully pasted it but nothing shows. Reinstalled the old version and it worked first time
  2. Send me file with building in oxide/data/copypaste/
  3. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


    Specify next time what console you want to call command: from a client or from the server :)
  4. So /undo won`t work on chat anymore, only console?
  5. /undo work in chat, and undo work in server console
  6. All console commands work only from the console ;-)
  7. lang files need to be updated. /placeback needs to be corrected to /pasteback :) small, not a big issue.
  8. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  9. Hi

    1 When pasting my base, the TC changes to deactivated - leaving me with a deathtrap. Possible to paste without this happening?, or should I disarm base before copying?
    2 As admin I've got access, can all players at my server use this plugin to backup their own bases before forced wipeout.
    3 AutoDoors plugin do not seem to work on "paste-buildings"
  10. 1. What is TC?
    2. 3. Accepted, implement in the next updates
  11. TC : Tool Cupboard , and when it deactivates after paste, all my traps are killing me.
  12. How do you actually copy a base in-game?
  13. In front of base looking at it, type in chat: /copy whateverIwant

    and then either /paste whateverIwrotebefore height #

    or /pasteback whateverIwrotebefore
  14. Is there a way to paste a building in the air. I have tried to spawn in a foundation but it will just spawn on the ground even whilst looking at the foundation in the air, it is also in a no stability zone. Thanks :p
  15. Did you try "/paste base height 2"

    If that is not high enough, try 3 and so on.

    Arg sorry, dont think you can spawn to a new foundation, your copied base already have a foundation.
  16. Thanks the height works, I didn't see that when reading how to use :p
  17. I mean if you wanna use it post-wipe.Can you save it somehow so that it can be pasted later in another month?